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Another update;

I was thinking our original cruise plan of meeting at 10:00AM and ending at Desi's at 4:00PM for several hours of Tech Nite would make for a pretty long day (particularly for those who have to commute some distance to attend).

Soooooo, I'm throwing out another idea. How about we change things up by;

1. Rendezvous at 12:00 noon (or so) at a pre-determined location for lunch.
2. After lunch cruise the canyons/coast to end up at Desi's for Tech Nite.

Note: we can do the Air Museum another time, but we could still visit the True Speed and Crevier exhibit.

Give me a shout out on this!
O.K. - here's a tentative cruise plan for Tech Nite at Desi's (any recommendations/input welcome);

1. Saturday, meet 12 noon for lunch at Fuddrucker's Hamburger in El Toro (just South of 5-405 Y). I checked out a Sonic Burger car-hop close by, but it has limited parking.

2. After lunch (approx 1:15pm) head out to cruise the O.C. canyons (Trabuco, Majeska, Silverado) then drop down to the coast in Laguna Beach (or Newport Coast, depending on timeline) and head north on PCH to Desi's shop (ETA; 3:30-4:00).

I will video each of you driving your cars through the canyon and along the coast with my GoPro HD and provide a DVD for you.

Rendezvous Directions: Fuddruckers Hamburgers, 23621 El Toro Rd, El Toro

1) Those traveling North on I-5 fwy, exit El Toro Rd, turn RIGHT onto El Toro Rd.
2) Those traveling South on I-5 fwy, exit El Toro Rd, turn LEFT at exit signal (onto De La Carlota) and then LEFT onto El Toro Rd.
3) Second traffic signal from freeway, turn LEFT at Arbor Way. Fuddruckers will be on the right as you enter the plaza.

Matt Kimmel/Glenn Carr - this would be a good opportunity for you to join an SOC cruise and find out what we're all about while enjoying driving your Speedy!

Peace - Out!


Images (3)
  • trabuco-canyon-large
  • DSCF3440
  • So Wrong 2
Looking forward to it! I got back home from Fullerton with extremely fould plugs. My mechanic said it may have been from oil getting sucked in from the high vacuum from coming down from high rpm's. He's going to replace them with higher temp plugs so that they'll burn off any oil that comes in. Have you heard of this before? I should have the car back on Thursday. I suppose if I foul the plugs up on the way down to the OC, we can clean them up at Tech Nite.

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