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I stuck "ForSale" signs on my car today over in Woodland Hills. You were right Troy. The price of these cars is going up !  I tagged mine at $37,500.00......

Right off, I got two offers. One at $35K. Since I have $45K in it, I'm sticking with my price. This afternoon I got a call from another guy who wants to trade me his Spyder that has a 1973  six cyl 911 in it.  I'm pretty sure I want to go to a Subaru/Spyder but I'm going to take a look at it tomorrow.

Flip side....if any of you know of anyone that wants a well sorted, show quality, excellent performing Speedster, let them know.

I'm just done with Rhonda and want another hefty challenge in the form of a Spyder.

I love building these cars as much as driving them so it's time to do something different yet still the same.

If I get the parts I need soon I will be out at Irwindale Drag strip next Thur. with Rhonda to see how she does in the 1/8th mile.  Last Thur. I took my new GMC Canyon out to practice with my reaction times in the lights. I consistently hit 72 mph in 10 seconds with reaction times of .522, .242, and .187 .  They are much kinder (and slower) with the light timing sequence on Thur. nights than at a major event.


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 Bill...As you know you can always go down. However, There really has been a pretty good increase in the resale cost of our cars lately. I think all of us on here should raise our prices if we decide to sell. Troy is living proof that this is so!          

Alan, You are right with your comment about finding buyers with the cash on hand. It's a short line ! This last year I have been sneaking a for sale sign on my car at various events. This has helped in two ways. Establishing a value for my car and a feel for the buying market in this area. It has helped a lot to not be in a hurry to sell Rhonda too. This way I can be selective and not anxious. Another benifit is I still get to drive Rhonda all over. The NHRA inspectors over at Irwindale Raceway now said I have to have wrist restraints (Rhonda is a convertable) so the straps should be here tomorrow from Summit and Drag night is every Thursday. So maybe this week ??...............Bruce

Went to look at the Spyder today. It was carved up too much for what I want. He also didn't want to sell it with the 911 engine in it either. So I told him I would pass on making a trade/pay some deal. The short of it is he still wants the car so we agreed on  36 K to be processed next week.  We'll see. He has 20 cars at his place and half are Porsches. It looks like he had 5 floor hoists in there as well.............Bruce

No question prices are on there way up, but not all the sellers out there know that yet, so there are a few good deals that are popping up now and then.   That is both good and bad, depending on if you're a seller or a buyer or both.

I'm lowering the price for my Black/Camel Vintage to $27,500, because there are a few cars that are priced a little better than the $31K I was originally asking.  There are also a few other factors that are also playing into it.  Nothing to do with the car, but everything to do with eBay!


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