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Speedster Clinic was the other one on the tip of my tongue. Keep in mind I'm Canadian so I know nothing about them (other than what I've read on this great big interweb thingie) and these are by no means recommendations. Do your homework before sending any cash! Let us know what you do and how it goes. And good luck! Al


PS- If it hasn't been done already- Welcome to the Madness!!!


It's a bit of a longshot, but check the feedback forum on the Samba to see if anyone has something to say about whoever you're considering.

Last edited by ALB

Ooooo ! What's the problem(s) I had some sorting out but I am the happiest man on earth with my car. The current owner has been more than helpful to me (he wasn't the guy in charge when I bought it) but he has always and I mean always been there to help me with mine. I've even made mods which make it better, fuel cut off switch, rear view camera. Oh, and do I have regular maintenance with the carbs....always the idle jets, but that's not a Chesil caused problem. Let us know what's up ?

Trying to help him mate ! (TRP)   Loubelou, this site can help you sort your problems. You had a problem getting in touch with Peter, I gave you all the contact methods I have. Now, if you list your problems here, the guys will help but it is advisable to tell them what the problems are. Now I'm still not clear, have you bought a kit from Chesil and had another person build it. If that's the case , it's not quite the same as buying a car from Chesil. But you still have the right for help where they can. You have the contact them.

But you still wont say what's wrong ? You seem to have had a bad experience....I haven't. Aussie asked for say they're bad but don't say why. That's not a balanced view or recommendation to Aussie would be good. I hope you get your car sorted because they are the most fun ever.....and really eye catching. Every time I go out, I get comments, all admiring. Hope you get sorted.

I cannot say why at the moment and thank god I didn't with you running off emailing them. You say I've had a bad experience, I'm in the middle of my bad experience hence why I'm guarded to what I write. I would want anyone else to go through what I'm am at this moment. I'm not being difficult by not saying I'm sure your can understand what I mean

Loubelou, I thought you wanted help fixing it, whatever that may take. These cars are not Mazda MX5's (Miata's to these guys in the USA) Miata's drive with no hassles and look OK but they don't look as good....anywhere near as good. A guy with an Aston Martin will give your car the thumbs up and a guy in a Farrari will have a second take when he see's you....I know, it's happened to me.

I really don't mean to be rude but, I didn't come on here for help and have never asked for it. The only people that should of help me is the ones that took my money. Thank god it's not an mx5 I'd rather rub salt into my eyes than be seen it that pile of poop. My message as I keep saying was in reply to Aussie, oh and by the way I do have an Aston Martin and I do think the 356 is a beautiful car if mine actually ran

Personally I wouldn't have panned Chesil publicly on here before going directly to them to help you with the car.  

And 12 months to build a Chesil when you expected 3?  That's pretty off right there.


I hope you get that Speedster sorted because you will have more fun and get more thumbs up than you will in your A-M.


Last, there's not a more giving, helping and smart bunch of people for help than right here on the SOC.  Many problems are actually simple if you can state what you need help with.


To me this is just a pretty wierd thread so far.




Originally Posted by Loubelou:
Thank god it's not an mx5 I'd rather rub salt into my eyes than be seen it that pile of poop.


I have a Miata and that remark hurt my feelings. I just feel sick inside now. @#!% it. I'm going home from work now I can't stay here another moment. I may not ever visit this site again. What a terrible insult.


Is that what people say when they see me in my Miata? "Hey there goes that guy in that pile of poop". I am done with this. I cannot believe that you said that and on this site. Theron? Where do you find these kind of people? I knew I should have gotten my Xanax prescription refilled...

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