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I was just Posting over on another Thread regarding the Woodward Dream cruise and Posting a reply talking about possibly doing a road trip from LA Cal. to the event in Detroit...



It is on the third weekend in August each year and has a number of auto shows, cruises and small events on during the week before and after.



......the Woodward Dream Cruise attracts 40,000 vehicles and over 1,000,000 viewers. Whoaaa a huge must see event..



Wondered has anyone done a big road trip. To Carlisle or another event..


I have attached a link to a road trip I did a few years back....





  Red Speedster 2200cc twin Webbers, '65 aluminium Shelby Cobra 468ci alum Shelby engine, '66 Ford GT40 302ci, 911 Carrera S and now aircraft ( Vans RV8 aircraft) 

Last edited by BMK - Bernie cruising in Australia
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In 2012 I drove my speedster from central IL to Sacramento, then to Tahoe, then to Yosemite. It was the trip of a lifetime.


I'm doing it again. I'm leaving Monday AM (unless I roll out tomorrow afternoon), bound for Carmel, Cambria, and San Luis Obisto-- the central coast of Kalifornia.


Jeanie has no taste for 30 hrs in an open car, and will be flying into San Jose on Friday. I'll pick her up, and begin the Highway 1 dream-- we'll be staying a week along the central coast. I'll put her back on a plane the following Friday, and beat it back to Illinois. 


It's a 2400 mi round trip, there and back-- with probably another 500 mi or more while I'm out there.


On the road, I eat jerky and almonds, drink too much bad coffee, lose my cell-phone signal, and sleep in the cheapest hotels I can find. I'm excited for the destination-- but the road clears my head and sharpens my senses in a way that's difficult to explain. 


Nothing about this makes sense. I already have a plane ticket purchased and a car rented-- but being alone on the road, with the top down for 6000 mi, in late summer is as good as it gets for somebody in the late summer of their own life. I wish I could skip over Illinois, Iowa, and Nebraska-- but it's all good.


It's a road trip. I want to do it while I can.

Last edited by Stan Galat

I'll bet every Speedster owner is at least a closet "Road Tripper".  When I was single and much younger, I would spend a weekend just driving....   Leave Atlanta Friday after work, watch the sun come up over the Savannah water front, trip over to Orlando (pre Disney), then on to St.Pete on Saturday... Watch the sun set off the gulf coast, then back to Atlanta for the Monday grind....   You find "yourself" in the hours of contemplation while you are doing something you enjoy deeply without thinking about it .....  

I've done a trip from Tennessee to SoCal once, 2175 miles each way.  This was in April of 2005 and the following month I drove to Carlisle, about 550 miles one way.  I have made the latter trip 10 times and also drove to Watkins Glen in New York State in 2006.  


It is fun, but somewhat daunting when you wake up to realize that your job for the day is to drive long and hard.  There is certainly plenty of time to think, to imagine and to sing along, however badly, with whatever tunes your speakers deliver.  On the drive to California, I mostly listened to NPR for great music and news reporting.  


Being a card-carrying geezer, I do find the long drives to be increasingly unappealing, but I still manage at least one per year.  It's always an adventure, right Leon???

Alice and I drove our VS to the wonderful West Coast event at Morro Bay in April, 2012.  Hot Springs to W. Coast and back was a tota of 3,837 miles.  Used 149 gallons of fuel for $451.78 and an average of 25.9 MPG going 75-80 all the way.  We have also done the Carlisle event 8 times. 


The West Coat trip was the road trip of my life and enjoyable in every way.  What an adventure!  Getting to meet the West Coast knuckleheads was priceless and we want to repeat the adventure.


The VS has many improvements since that trip.  Certainly not as space age engineered as a 

SAS or an IM or a Beck,but as dependable as an anvil which to me is t-h-e #1 criteria on such a trip.  The comfort we  now enjoy is excellent and the car is pretty near waterproof.

The ride is as smooth and quiet for a Speedster as anything out there.


We drive highways only with the top up---then it goes down at our destination.  I prefer the quieter ride with no buffeting with the top up.  Going 80 in a Speedster for almost 4,000

miles would not be suitable for us.  At all.


We mostly use our IPods with noise-cancelling ear pods to listen to music and audio books rather than the radio.


I envy Stan's upcoming trip and wish we were caravaning together.

Last edited by Jack Crosby
Originally Posted by Marty Grzynkowicz-2012 IM Suby-Roadster:

So Stan, are we taking the Speedster again? It sounded like it in your post above.  My mechanic gave me a good idea the other day.  He said that he would trailer the flat & boring roads and then leave the trailer/truck with a friend mid way and do the same on the way back.  

It'll be the speedster again-- top down, rolling west. I think I'm going to need to modify the route to miss the pesky (and persistent) thunderstorms in Nebraska and Iowa. I'm planning to go south a bit, which will add a couple hundred miles to it, but should keep the top down.


After 10 years of lots of trips back and forth to Beaufort, I've kind-of lost my taste for long road trips, but I truly admire those who still have the yearning to get out there and just follow the sun.


I've always wanted to do the RT-66 trip in something like a slightly rodded (and air conditioned)  '50 Mercury.  Wonder if Johhny Depp would let me borrow his??


Enjoy the trip, Stan, and check in nightly WITH PICTURES!!  Remember - if no pictures then it never happened!!


Depp's car:


A very comfortable ride indeed!


Every month for two years my '50 Merc zipped me to and from Havelock NC to Danbury CT on 96 hour passes (out-of-bounds north of DC!!) in smooth reliable comfort without a burp, a rattle, or a shimmy!


Mine had 6 staggered length hood louvers instead of Depps 8...A '54 Old's grill instead of DeSoto teeth...'52 Ford headlight rims instead of Buick...Flush skirts instead of bubble...Dark, dark, green instead of purple, and it wasn't chopped.


Aaaa, sweet memories...Oh, it was nosed & decked too!

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