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This looks like a typical track weekend in California back in the day...
Unfortunately, it was my morning here in Phoenix.

I had the green light at an intersection, and a fool at the cross street decided to turn right on red, in order to head the same direction as I.  This was absolutely fine, for I was in the left lane as I came through the intersection -- plenty of room for him to make his turn into his right-hand lane.

Sadly, instead of staying in the lane closest to him as he turned, he swung it wide (like so many idiots do) and was suddenly directly in front of me.

I headed for the median on my left and got my driver's side tires over the curb, but wasn't able to clear him before impact.

His question to me after obviously swinging wide into my lane when I had the green light and the right of way: "Didn't you see me?"

I thought, "Oh, yeah.  I saw PLENTY of you.  You filled up my field of vision COMPLETELY."

Anyway, he has insurance, and I have Hagerty, so I'm counting on a positive outcome.

Best part of all?  A sane, credible eyewitness who recounted to Hagerty exactly what happened.

As the great @PaulEllis remarked (we're Phoenix Speedster pals), it happened at just the right time -- soon it'll be too broiling hot to drive anyway.

Looking forward to my new paint job!


"We've come this far -- let's not ruin it by thinking."  – Clint Eastwood


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Last edited by Cory McCloskey
Original Post

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I’m very sorry to see that. I can relate. It’s a heartbreaking feeling.  For me this car is an emotional project, so when it gets f@cked up, it really bothers me.  But it’s fixable.  I always use damage or breakdown to make upgrades!

Last summer my dad hit mine with his RV. I was standing by and watched the entire thing. It was traumatic.  I sent it to Greg and got everything done that was on my laundry list, the biggest of which was relocating the dash switches to stock positions.  It still hurts to think of it crippled in the moment, but it’s better than ever now!!!

Yours will be too.

Regarding insurance, you are probably already planning this but choose a shop that will fight for a full repaint.  

@WNGD posted:

And that ladies and gentlemen, is why so few derive the real ones ....

I used to think the same way. I spoke to a guy about racing his 250GTO and questioned why would he do that?

His response was: cars are meant to be driven. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Toyota or a 250GTO, they are repaired all the same.

I don’t understand the argument that a speedster is too valuable to drive.  In retrospect, a real speedster isn’t all that expensive ($300-450k?)  Parts are readily available.  The mechanicals aren’t that complex.

Drive the darn cars.  Enjoy them.  And if you’re too scared or nervous, sell it.  Better off investing in other avenues.  

I used to think the same way. I spoke to a guy about racing his 250GTO and questioned why would he do that?

His response was: cars are meant to be driven. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Toyota or a 250GTO, they are repaired all the same.

I don’t understand the argument that a speedster is too valuable to drive.  In retrospect, a real speedster isn’t all that expensive ($300-450k?)  Parts are readily available.  The mechanicals aren’t that complex.

Drive the darn cars.  Enjoy them.  And if you’re too scared or nervous, sell it.  Better off investing in other avenues.  

I agree generally but I guess that's why I wouldn't have a 300-450K car because I'm sure going to drive whatever I own and those particular vehicles aren't much fun to be driven hard and put away wet.

Last edited by WNGD

@Cory McCloskey

DANG, Cory! Such a bummer to have your little pride & joy banged up after all the care & effort to keep it looking nice. I feel your pain.

On. our way to a West Coast Cruise a few years ago, I was in an accident in my previous VS Speedster that totally smashed the front end to pieces. Ginny & I just had some bruises and continued on our way to the West Coast Cruise.

Wishing you best of luck in getting your car whole made whole again, my brutha!

P.S. - in that black & white pic, you kinda look like Steve McQueen sitting there.

Last edited by MusbJim

@Cory McCloskey

Wow, Cory - That really sucks.  But as others have already said, YOU are OK and the car can be fixed.  This also gives you the opportunity to get those little niggling things fixed that you've been thinking about getting to for a while, right?  And I've been to Phoenix in July/August and you wouldn't want to drive it then either, so if there was ever a good time for repairs, this is it.  

Good luck getting everything fixed, Mr. McQueen, hopefully in time for the Autumn rides up to Oak Creek Canyon or lunch in over Sedona!

When I lived in PA the Machine Shop I used often was two blocks from me. Because I had nothing to go by except Towel Bar photos, "Randy" and I made a rough set heating schedule 40 PVC pipe then bending electrical conduit as a solid " template". In addition to making the radius look right, the other issue was the fasteners that would have to be inside the pipe ends. The idea I had was to fabricate a set from aluminum tubing and attach that with expansion plus from inside the bumper.....A few beers and we decided to shelve that adventure.......

Last edited by Alan Merklin

Boys, I knew you’d feel my pain. (Perhaps I’ll torture myself further by trying to add overriders to my new bumper! 😆)

The shop I’m going to use is pretty close to my house, so I hope to stop in frequently – I’ll give you photo updates so that we can all see the magic.


Glad you’re ok… The more I drive the more I pause before leaving an intersection… always someone running a light …just happened to me in Florida in March…

Here is a crazy story … coming down I81 3 lanes past Fredericsburg early morning… I suddenly see a tumble weed … no it’s not a tumble weed it a couch chair rolling and coming at me at 75mph… I swing over one lane and back and miss it completely… not sure if anyone behind me hit it but scary… then I move up and we find a guy with a trailer one tie strap flapping in the wind and the other couch … driver totally oblivious!  

Last edited by IaM-Ray

Perhaps he was just one of the 23.9 million people who viewed your YouTube weather gaff and just wanted an autograph?  So sorry to see this, but very happy you weren't injured.  I'm certain your speedster will be back together in no time, looking even better than before.

HA!  Kevin, if he was, he never betrayed the slightest knowledge of my immense fame!  LOL

@WOLFGANG posted:

Bummer indeed!  Glad you are okay and still have that TV Weatherman smile.

I encourage all to install dash cameras in case the "perp" isn't so honest.  I love to watch the Russian YouTube dash cameras.  I'm learning Russian that way!

"I'm learning Russian that way!"  LOLOLOLOL
Yes, a dashcam would've made it a lead pipe cinch...  @PaulEllis has recommended the same thing.

@Teammccalla posted:

I’m very sorry to see that. I can relate. It’s a heartbreaking feeling.  For me this car is an emotional project, so when it gets f@cked up, it really bothers me.  But it’s fixable.  I always use damage or breakdown to make upgrades!

Last summer my dad hit mine with his RV. I was standing by and watched the entire thing. It was traumatic.  I sent it to Greg and got everything done that was on my laundry list, the biggest of which was relocating the dash switches to stock positions.  It still hurts to think of it crippled in the moment, but it’s better than ever now!!!

Yours will be too.

Regarding insurance, you are probably already planning this but choose a shop that will fight for a full repaint.  

Great advice, Team!  They'll already have to paint about half the car, anyway...

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