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CHINA/TAIWAN chrome is the reason.  From your avatar looks like you are on the water.  Waxing new ones frequently will prolong the replica's short life span.  I bought stainless steel Durant mirrors used on late 356C and early 911.  They look good on doors but not on the fenders.  Assume you have the Aero mirrors - you may be able to find better chromed ones from Stoddard or Klasse356.  Talbot or Raydoit are quality $$$ alternatives (but more race looking).  


You can sometimes remove rust spots on chrome by rubbing them with a crumpled piece of aluminum foil and a little water.  After they're clean and dry, a coat of Johnson's paste wax over the chrome helps keep rust away.  Re-wax after washing and drying the car.  If the chrome is actually bubbling up, the problem is a lot deeper and you're probably best off just replacing the mirrors. 


I'd suggest checking the other chrome bits on the car while you're at it (wheels, hubcaps, horn grills, turn signals). 


By the way - they make convex aero mirror reproductions and they're worth it - at least on the passenger side. 

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