Just got back from viewing the new exhibit - microcars. On a slow afternoon, I had the pleasure BSing with a few docents for several hours.
Morgan, Bond, 2CV, Honda 600, Messerschmidt, Bantam truck and car, Austin, several older electrics, a 2010 CA licensed Chinese tandem two seat electric, Berkley, and several others. Also had "new" stuff like Corvair, Mini, Smart, Nash Metro, and Beetle.
The old stuff had 250 cc to 600 cc engines and Hp ranged from 5 to around 25 Hp. Due to their light weight (mostly less than 1000 pounds) many drove more than 55 MPH.
Ironically, sitting in the next row was a 480 cubic inch V-16 Cadillac, one HUGE car dude - valued at $500k. It was also only a two seat roadster, like many of the minicars!
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