Actually you really helped out the buyer make an informed decision....
Maybe a good dictionary might help to define the term "Perfect Condition"
adj 1 absolute, complete, completed, consummate, entire, finished, full, out-and-out, sheer, unadulterated, unalloyed, unmitigated, utter, whole
2 blameless, clean, excellent, faultless, flawless, ideal, immaculate, impeccable, pure, splendid, spotless, sublime, superb, superlative, supreme, unblemished, unmarred, untarnished
3 accurate, close, correct, exact, faithful, on the money (U.S.) precise, right, spot-on (Brit. informal) strict, true, unerring
4 accomplished, adept, experienced, expert, finished, masterly, polished, practised, skilful, skilled
5 accomplish, achieve, carry out, complete, consummate, effect, finish, fulfil, perform, realize
6 ameliorate, cultivate, develop, elaborate, hone, improve, polish, refine
, adj bad, damaged, defective, deficient, faulty, flawed, impaired, imperfect, impure, incomplete, inferior, partial, poor, ruined, spoiled, unfinished, unskilled, worthless