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In December 2008 I placed my order with SAS for a water cooled 356 Cabriolet replica. Due to early retirement and other financial concerns I have instructed SAS to sell my position in the queue and refund my $17K(downpayment and first installment). I am willing, on a direct basis, to sell my position for $15K to another customer (with the coordination of SAS). This will save someone $2K in cash and approximately 24 months in waiting time. The car should be available in about 12 months per current schedule. This is, I feel, a great opportunity for somebody.
1957 Specialty Auto-Sports(Cabriolet)
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In December 2008 I placed my order with SAS for a water cooled 356 Cabriolet replica. Due to early retirement and other financial concerns I have instructed SAS to sell my position in the queue and refund my $17K(downpayment and first installment). I am willing, on a direct basis, to sell my position for $15K to another customer (with the coordination of SAS). This will save someone $2K in cash and approximately 24 months in waiting time. The car should be available in about 12 months per current schedule. This is, I feel, a great opportunity for somebody.
OK, so let me understand this, you gave someone 17K as a down payment for a car that you have waited one and a half years for already, and that isn't scheduled to be completed for another year, and now you have changed your mind and willing to lose 2K in the process hoping someone is willing to take over your spot...

I guess I'm not so crazy after all....
Will someone please answer a question....
How is anyone willing to give a car manufacturer a bunch of money (in this case 17K) and be told their car will be finished in 3 years..
The 17K is actually being used where? for his car or one that is being built right now? Is the 17K drawing interest in a bank or CD somewhere? (granted, right now interest isn't what it used to be)
I can't be the only one who is questioning this....
An SAS just can't be worth all this...I thought buying an Intermeccanica was crazy, but this takes the cake....Henry, I take back everything I ever said about IM
Just received an e-mail from SAS that my position has been sold and that my refund (in full) will be mailed tomorrow. The spot is no longer available for transfer or sale. Sorry. Two things about SAS: they make a fantastic replica but it takes forever to get one delivered. Production is very low - but the quality, reliability and safety are high.
Vince - Great business model for SAS - bad for customer! I don't have any reason to question SAS but I'd personally want sizeable discount or interest for putting that much up front. I could see an inital deposit (2 or 5k?), more when it goes to paint/interior and more again when engine is ordered. I'd want specific penalty/refund if not ready in 36 months too. With this economy, companies easily file for bankrupty and reorg under new name or state. When Ford announced the new GT40 very limited production car, dealers were asking for a $40k deposit (on a $240k vehicle) - so guess concept isn't new. One of charges against old CMC was folks paying installments up front and never receiving anything (or incomplete cars). Glad it worked out for Bullet - I sure would hate to loose $2k. Hey, I've got beach front timeshares in Haiti for sale, not built yet, wonder if I can work such a deal?
"I don't have any reason to question SAS"
I sure do...Not that I give a $hit, but this is at the very least, questionable business practice... for both buyer and builder...

3 years...I don't remember what I did 3 years ago, or what car I owned, not to mention being presumptious that your life and thought pattern will still be the same as now....

Where is the down payment being used "right now", and if builder decides to go Belly up, or god forbid dies, what then happens to the Down this spelled out in a contract....

I have worked hard for my money over the years, and perhaps if I won the lottery, and had plenty to spare, I would take a chance with some things, but even then, I'd want to enjoy myself NOW, not wait 3 years...I just do not understand the thinking here...

perhaps you should take a few grand and donate it to clean up some of those pelicans in the gulf...that's what I did...

OH NO! Say it ain't so, Joe. Vince is insulted? You must be the moral arbiter for the site, as your reasoned reponses in the past clearly show. Only you, in your omniscience, have divined that the list of SAS buyers is riddled with dotcom scum and trust fund ne'er- do-well's, all with that silver spoon, while you're the self-appointed union goon for the honest, hardworking little people. Some of those SAS fat cats must have done you wrong, and cheated you out of some of your hard-earned money, or you wouldn't take it so personally.

However, from site pics, it looks like you're packing about 40 extra pounds of blubber, big boy, so I encourage you to take it easy and keep that blood pressure down. No one wants you to stroke out or have the big MI. Where else would this site turn to for guidance? Keep smiling, Porky, what other choice do we have?
hey seriously I heard that now that SAW is done refining their technology that they will be devoting all their time on the actual builds. They made a lot of changes since Johnny's build and the changes take time and interfere with the progress of the build time. I looked into them and feel they offer a lot of bang for the buck. A lot of options like power windows, all four power disc brakes, they're all included in the base price of a cabrio. No one has ever commented negatively on anything regarding SAW other than the wait time, and it does make sense to me that now that all the design enhancements have been worked through the build times would be significantly shorter. I wouldn't throw the baby away with the bathwater if I were seriously interested in one of their builds.
no really, in their defense it does make sense that since the development is done they can now concentrate on kickin out the builds and it would be in their best interest to do so, to bring in more $$'s. I think they were making so many ongoing improvements unlike Intermeccanica that's been ding this for ages, what do think, makes sense to me
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