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HAd the car out at the weekend, this is how I got home  


HAd been giving it big licks down the motorway, (freeway). When I slowed down, the engine was making a very odd noise !


I pulled over and by the time I had got out and walked around to the engine, it had stopped dead.......Restart attemp, gave very sluggish turnover and I stopped..

Fortunately I was on a hill and was able to roll around to a quiet street. I tried hauling on the alternator pulley and it was solid....Fearing the worst, I called on the recovery guys. There had been no warning lights and the engine didn't "smell" hot


This was Saturday. In panic mode, I went looking for a replacement engine to keep me going while I pulled the (assumed) cooked engine. I picked up a sweet little 1300tp for reasonable money on Sunday.


My mate Jack came round on Sunday and we decided to see if it would fire up. It did, first time and still sounded very rough. Then we disconnected the fan belt and tried again..........No noise, no unusual grumbling.......


So it looks like the alternator died in a big way and confused me into thinking the worst


Alternator now away to see if it can have its bearings replaced....


Happy days


I'll clean up the 1300 and keep as a spare



Located in Scotland 

Last edited by Ger
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Not just me then


I just called the place where I dropped off the alternator this morning, they have ordered in the bearings, be ready tomorrow.......


Its a little local auto electrical shop that's been there since the '70's. Its run by a couple of guys in filthy overalls and oily black hands. Chaotic piles of Dynamo's/alternators/starters/batteries etc in every corner. The counter is ingrained with decades of oil and grease......Everything is labelled with a little card tied on with string. Not a computer in sight...and, when the phone rings, it also rings a proper bell on the workshop wall


Not  a "free" coffee, attractive Receptionist, or comfy sofa anywhere. They can REPAIR almost anything !


Remember when autoshops were all like this????

Last edited by Ger



We used to have an electrical shop like that around here.  Two old (really old) guys ran the place.  Both wanted to retire but they couldn't find any younger guys who were interested in taking over an alternator/starter rebuild shop - even though they both had plenty of business.


Eventually, they both got into their mid-late 70's and the place just closed.  Lots of older machine shops around here are going that way, too, these days.  Sad.

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