Do you have the CMC "decorative" roll bar??
I have the roll bar in mine, and used that as the mounting point for the top of the arc for the shoulder belts.
Don't know what the laws define for you in Scotland, but if you can get away easier with regular, 3-point belts a-la modern cars, then I got mine from a 1992 Chrysler convertible (just happened to be the color I wanted to match, was super-clean and I bagged the seats, seat belts, belt retractors/inertial brakes, a bunch of trim and other bits).
I mounted the retractors right behind the seats on the forward vertical lip of the rear seat (they bolt into the sub-frame), mounted the buckle latch belt into the tunnel just behind the front seats (ran a BIG bolt right through the tunnel, down low), mounted the shoulder belt anchor into the sub-frame just outside of the seats and mounted the shoulder arc-corner loops through the roll bar so they sit at the right height. Everything was color-matched to my CMC el-cheapo vinyl trim, too.
Let me know if you need pictures and I'll scoot out and take some to email over.