We don't have a speedster, we have a spyder but here's what I did when I had to leave it at the Sacramento Airport "secure" Hotel parking for 3 days...
1. Find a parking place with excellent public visibility, don't hide behind the bushes.
2. Shut the fuel pump off with the engine running. Run the engine until the carbs run out of fuel and it shuts down (a surprisingly long time).
3. Remove the fuel pump fuse, replace it with a defective dummy.
4. Remove the steering wheel (ours is quick release)
5. Remove battery ground and hide the special bolt that holds the strap to the battery.
6. Remove the rotor and put the cap back in place.
7. With the front wheels turned, run a heavy bicycle lock cable thru the holes in the Fuchs wheels and the lower suspension arm. Use a hardened padlock to complete the circuit attaching the padlock around both ends of the cable AND the suspension arm.
8. Cover the car.
When it's just over night I skip quite a few of the steps above. I park carefully, run it out of fuel, shut the switch down, remove the wheel and cover it.
If someone REALLY wants your car, they can take it no matter what. But trust me, you can make it really difficult which will eliminate most thieves. The truly determined thieves are after high dollar production cars and collector cars, not replicas. angela