I used to fit our three little ones in the back of my 1953 MGTD. Not very often, but once in a while. Good memories of those days, as they are all in their forties now.
How many of us either rode in or drove with people in the back of pickup trucks as kids? How many wear a seatbelt at all in Taxis or on a bus around the airport for instance, zero? Many people choose to ride motorcycles sans helmets.
People take risks, people take chances, people live life, people have fun....
I definitely get that - problem is, nowadays, all it takes is one person driving while texting to take you out. Not that there weren't distracted drivers back in the day. I've been involved in three accidents in my life. All three were pre cell phones, and in all of them, I was rear ended while sitting at a red light. The last one, a furniture moving van creatively made my Celica a two seater.
A couple weeks ago, Lynn and I were taking a drive in the Speedster, and we were almost rear ended by a 350 Pickup truck, again while sitting at a red light. I could see him coming up way too fast in the rear view mirror, but traffic was way too heavy to just go through the intersection. He stomped on the brakes and stopped with what must have been an eyelash of room between us.
While Lynn turned around in her seat and gave the driver a verbal lashing (God bless her - though she said some very ungodly things!), I wanted to get in the other lane to pull in the upcoming gas station. Though we felt nothing, I could hardly believe that there wouldn't be some kind of damage, he was so close. There wasn't though.
While we were looking our car over, a car came pulling up to us and asked if we were ok. He was driving on the other side of the divided road and saw us get rear ended - must have looked pretty close to the folks around us too.
Since that happened, I often thought about how badly we may have been hurt had he not stopped - I don't even want to think what might have been with a grandkid or two in the backseat.
I know life is full of risks and I'm not trying to preach or tell folks what to do - everyone makes their own choices. For me, I'll save the grandkids Speedster rides for the front seat when they're a bit older, which, for cars as small as ours, may not make much difference in an accident anyway. But at least I'm giving them the same shot at surviving being rear ended as myself.