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The fabric on my VS top is separating from the front frame that connects to the windshield. It is fabric, not vinyl.


I intend to do a triple coat of 3M Hi-Strength spray adhesive to re-attach it. It appears that the old adhesive has simply given up.


The separation is about a foot long. There is a foam piece that runs the width of the bracket in the deepest portion of the groove formed in the bracket. 


Do I need to remove the fabric completely, clean the frame and reglue all of it, or do you think I can just repair the existing separation?


Should I use a solvent to remove the old adhesive or just go over it with the new?


Once I use the adhesive on it I intend to attach the front bracket to the windshield to let it cure. That should insure a tight fit between the bracket and the fabric.


Any better ideas or suggestions? Thanks in advance!




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But, if you want to do something before Saturday AND get it right, try using DAP Neoprene contact adhesive ( in the green can ) and it should glue right up.


"Do I need to remove the fabric completely, clean the frame and reglue all of it, or do you think I can just repair the existing separation?"


Try re-gluing just the section you need.  If that doesn't work satisfactorily, then go the whole route.


"Should I use a solvent to remove the old adhesive or just go over it with the new?"


Just go over it with the new.


"Once I use the adhesive on it I intend to attach the front bracket to the windshield to let it cure. That should insure a tight fit between the bracket and the fabric."


Yup, sounds good.  Keep us posted.  Send me an email and I'll send you my stayfast top installation notes.   Speedstahguy at gmail dot com



Gordon is right about that glue.  I took his recommendation 3a couple of years ago when I removed the top fabric from my bow to tighten up the sagging convert top.

The clue held like steel.


No should do what I did though, I cut too much fabric off and had just barely enough to curl around the bow for a proper seal.  It went ok but sure reminded me of "measure twice and cut once".  Sometimes I can be "ready--fire--aim" but I'm working on it.


Thanks again, for the tip, Gordon.

One of my guys got some Gorilla Tape when we were setting up an exhibit for a trade show, once.  He went nuts with it, holding all sorts of stuff in place and out of sight so the show booth looked great.  


Three days later, as we were breaking down the booth (it was about 20 feet by 60 feet) we had one hell of a time getting that tape off of whatever he put it on.  Finally gave up and cut around it, just to make the truck loading deadline (they give you a specific load time to keep things organized).  Plus, it leaves a healthy residue once the tape fabric is removed.  


We were still trying to remove what was left of that damn tape two months and three shows later......We finally found that dynamite worked well as a removal methodology.

Yeah, what I like most about it is that it seems unaffected by water (always a good thing in that usage) PLUS it doesn't "petrify" or become hard over time so, if/when you want to take a tuck in the fabric after it has slowly stretched for a year or two, you just peel the fabric back, peel off whatever you don't want to leave of the original stuff, slap on some more smackenpucky glue (I use a throw-away brush to apply it) and re-set the fabric.


Glad that it worked out (and that you could find the stuff!)



...Jumping ahead eight months on this thread!


Bob's top separation problem was solved by finding the last 'green can' of DAP's neoprene adhesive west of the Mississippi. But his top was fabric. Mine is vinyl.


Regluing the separating 'bow pocket sleeves' three weeks ago with Dap Weldwood Contact Cement hasn't worked...Lowes didn't have the 'green can stuff' but I was assured by the red aproned gray haired clerk that this DAP product would do the job on vinyl...duh


Now I'm back to square one and looking for advice on an adhesive that will hold, and someone with enough political clout with Lowe's board of directors to get this gray haired clerk fired.

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