Has anyone done this?
From these guys in GA: http://www.thesamba.com/vw/classifieds/search.php?submit=yes&keywords=&type=text&stype=all&username=rusty+tubs&yearfrom=&yearto=&model%5B%5D=§ion%5B%5D=&wanted=show&zip=&zipdist=0&state%5B%5D=&usaregion=&country=&sort=date&sort_order=DESC&submitButton=Search
I'm looking to do the whole thing myself. I'm in BC - canada, and have asked IM, but heard nothing. Chances are - they wouldnt do it for what RT will do it for, but i'm not sure about importing it.
I thought i read in the RIV that this was not possible, so i wondered if anyone knows of a customer of Rusty Tubs in Canada?
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