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If any of you aren't doing a lot on Father's day or don't want to have to stand in front of a hot grill and cook YOUR food on YOUR day, then you might consider doing all that get-together stuff on Saturday and then taking Sunday for yourself and go to the Litchfield, Connecticut VW show!

I'm going down in my truck, as I'm looking for parts that are too big to drag home in a Speedster (like a new front end) and I have it on good Intel that TC will be there looking for stuff for his Fiat 600 project. I suspect that Lenny Cuccureddu, from the Spyder side of the sport, might be going, too.

Anybody else thinking of going? If so, send me an email and I'll forward my cell phone number and we can hook up. I'll be in stealth mode - no Hawaiian shirt this time!

The Speedstah Guy from Beaufort
Original Post
If any of you aren't doing a lot on Father's day or don't want to have to stand in front of a hot grill and cook YOUR food on YOUR day, then you might consider doing all that get-together stuff on Saturday and then taking Sunday for yourself and go to the Litchfield, Connecticut VW show!

I'm going down in my truck, as I'm looking for parts that are too big to drag home in a Speedster (like a new front end) and I have it on good Intel that TC will be there looking for stuff for his Fiat 600 project. I suspect that Lenny Cuccureddu, from the Spyder side of the sport, might be going, too.

Anybody else thinking of going? If so, send me an email and I'll forward my cell phone number and we can hook up. I'll be in stealth mode - no Hawaiian shirt this time!

The Speedstah Guy from Beaufort
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