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Folks: young and old and in between,

Just trying to raise awareness of something I saw in another thread about the SAS ads.  Apparently, our Fearless Leader has seen the light and no longer is posting ads for SAS.  Or maybe SAS ran out of money (a likely event) and stopped paying.  I'm not going to quibble about the reason.  Insofar as there may be a bit of a $$ shortfall for supporting the site, at least one vendor (Carey Hines, Special Edition) has volunteered to up his support, and has invited other vendors to do the same.  Also, the loyal Supporting members are invited to hit the DONATE button at the top of the site, and do what y'all can do.  And last and maybe not least: all you lurking free-loaders out there are invited to step up to the bar and become Supporting Members.  It's really easy, and not too much scratch, IMHO.  So, Theron has done  the right thing, and you can too.

ElFrazoo out.

2007 JPS MotorSports Speedster

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I pay the $49/yearly Hoopla "donation" - I did much prefer the older format of the prior SOC web site.  I miss the profile pictures that folks kept of their cars.  That was a real benefit to all.  I'm not a facebook fan at all so that's a little too social.  Seems server storage disk conservation would be helped by something like the old user profile photo area.  Or maybe we could all setup photo bucket sites and provide a link in our signatures?

I love the sticker or some type of marketing idea for the "Madness".  Broadly speaking, a sticker should market this site.  So, when eyeballs are on our cars, those curious folks have a place for their thumbs to surf to.  @Rusty S, the sticker is missing the site's URL.  Everyday mostly, my car is flashing up and down the 405.  It'd be nice to expand this community and bring some folks to the site and, maybe, even jump into this passion.  I have a vested interest.  I want more people polluting the air with recycled dinosaur bones.  It's a passion of mine.  When I back out of my driveway and I see that cloud of smoke, I think my car just recycled a brontosaurus or maybe a stegosaurus. 

So, i'm volunteering my speedster as a sandwich board for this cause, so long as it is discreetly appointed on this aesthetic masterpiece.

Robert M posted:

How about door magnets?

Now, there's an idea with sticking power...

BTW, if some sort of sticker does get produced, my personal preference is to have no reference to the 'madness'.  I don't know why - and maybe I shouldn't say this - but every time I read 'welcome to the youknowwhat' it just grates on me.  It's overdone; it's trite; and it dumbs down the ownership of these cars. 

I am probably a minority of one, and that's fine by me...

Theron, since you didn't give me an answer I suspect that SAS stopped paying you and you stopped displaying his ad.  I also suspect that if he was still paying you'd still be displaying his ad.

If that's the case I won't be renewing my  membership.

It may not bother others on this forum, but it bothers me.

Ron, My opinions on the vast difference between endorsements and advertisements haven't changed.  I think it would be in bad taste for me to air business arrangements, what has been honored and what has not, about any of the sites advertisers.  

The fact of the matter is, that this site is the primary source of public information on the operations of SAS, which all prospective customer should know about.  If you don't want to support that, it's up to you.  


Last edited by Theron

I'm with you, Theron.  The reason they are gone is not important to me.  SAS has always cultivated what I call an "anti-business" model.  Thus, it didn't surprise me that they advertised for years on a site that almost always called them out on their unique type of business practices.

One step at a time: this site is better off without them.  Hopefully, at some future date, the industry will be better off without them.

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