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This is the pump that I am currently using:

Mike sells these mostly for use in big Healeys, but this works well in my car. The CB Perf. rotary got gummed up by (I assume) the ethanol in most gasolines now. This is supposedly resistant to ethanol. I can take a picture of the installation in a day or two if you're interested.

I had a Facet like Cory's in a '65 MG Midget, and it worked flawlessly for years.
Those little Facet "wood pecker" pumps are great, I've only had one fail in 6,000 years, but it failed on the way to a VW show two states away. The Holley blue pump (with regulator) is nuke proof, however, and a good price.

Of course, mount almost any pump as close to the tank as possible, bulkhead or front pan on rubber feet with a braided (flexible) ground wire.
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