Small Hijack, but I found out some very interesting news this weekend. I have been married to two years, and before the wedding my boys took me out for the provincial bachelor party. It was your typical B-party too. All of the avenues were explored, strip clubs, bars, booze... yada. Well that night I was "paired" up with a chick that was fun and full of life and energy and we had a good evening to say the least. Well, just a as wasp stings you from it's ass, that could be how this weekend played out... just two years later.
I got a call from one of my buddies a few weeks ago and he said that he ran into 'said' girl when he was in town for the holiday and she told him about her "little boy". Needless to say, the age of the kid and the time of the party... matched. She did not want to reveal the name of the father to my friend, but she told him that he knew the father. He said that I should contact her and he made sure to get her number. Well I called this weekend with nervous knees and I have talked to the women at great lenght. It was agreed that the kid was most likely mine and and she sent me a picture for my own sake. I am daddy, the picture is great and the kid looks just like me. It is amazing what a weekend can do.