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A great time to be in Appalachia. An old time White Christmas in the makein'. Snow started coming down this morning at around 9:00 o'clock. The ground is beginning to have a white blanket. What an event!

I really wish all of you a heart felt very Merry Christmas. I feel for the West Coasters! Just the soupy mud! We may not get out for awhile. My driveway is 500 feet long accompanied by a 17% slope. Ice will hide underneath the blanket of white.

What a great time for a SOC drive in the Blue Ridge. Any takers?

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to ALL!!

My Christmas Present Wish...
1957 Beck Speedster(Speedster)
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A great time to be in Appalachia. An old time White Christmas in the makein'. Snow started coming down this morning at around 9:00 o'clock. The ground is beginning to have a white blanket. What an event!

I really wish all of you a heart felt very Merry Christmas. I feel for the West Coasters! Just the soupy mud! We may not get out for awhile. My driveway is 500 feet long accompanied by a 17% slope. Ice will hide underneath the blanket of white.

What a great time for a SOC drive in the Blue Ridge. Any takers?

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to ALL!!

My Christmas Present Wish...


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  • Beck 904
The 904 also known as the 904 GTS Porsche. They were made in 1964/1965 A little info at visit:

Don't be too anxious to go South tomorrow. Tonight's forecast"ain't ahgood'un! The major problem will be BLACK ICE! I just removed the snow on my drive, but with the snow almost sleet still coming down: i won't be able to get out! Use your head and don't try to travel! I have a new Fujifilm S1800...I'll try to make a snow video and post if possible.

The 904 may cause me to lose my cool and forget about a 911 Carrera CS Targa. Visit this link and literally cry: I am in LOVE!

UPDATE: Pay attention Lane!
Snow began falling about 8 a.m. Saturday in the North Carolina mountains, where up to up to 5 inches of accumulation were expected. The Weather Service said mountain roads would be impassable for all but four-wheel drive vehicles.
Lane and All:

I'll not be goin' any were! Channel 13 weather just said that Asheville now has officially 10 inches on the ground. More to come

I was able to remove about 3 inch accumulation off my driveway by 4:00 o'clock this afternoon. This is a very wet snow and I was very wet after riding my small tractor with a snow blade up and down the 17 percent slope. Took at least 2 cups of coffee laced with Heather Creme which I think is better than Baileys because it is made with Highland malt!

The trees are very laden-down with the wet stuff. Here on the mountain slopes, the roots let go and trees come down. Of course, they never miss the electrical power lines! We are just waiting.

La' sho'nough beats the muddy soup out on the West Coast! 2 or maybe 3 dog night. Snow and Black Ice in the morn!

We stayed in Beaufort this Christmas in order to meet our daughter and her family at Disney World tomorrow. The Northeast Blizzard is predicting 16-18" at Providence, RI, (where they were flying out of) and Delta just cancelled her flight - Next one is in THREE WEEKS!!!!!

So we're sitting here with packed bags (we were driving down), three coolers of food, no place to go and no one to meet.



Started snowing in the Hudson Valley around 2 p.m. today. We're scheduled to get a bunch. Snowblower is primed and ready, but I can't find my damn shovel! Snow doesn't bother me at all, I actually enjoy driving in it, as long as it has AWD and decent tires. About half the people who live around here actually know how to drive in it somewhat. I can't imagine living in the south where they never see it, panic and crash.
I went out shopping this afternoon and walked out of a store right behind a couple with two small boys (all dressed in Parkas - it's only been about 34F here today). Just as the littlest boy got outside he jumps up and down shouting:




Sure made my day!

Happy Snowfall, everyone! We're camped out by the gas logs with the two Jacks!!
Made it home with no problems at all. Surface streets in Ashevlille were pretty bad, but I-26 was completely plowed/sanded/salted, and we had no problems other than normal holiday traffic. Oddly, we started in snow showers just north of Columbia, SC, which got quite heavy when we got to the Charleston area, and then they quit suddenly. Temps just above freezing from Columbia south kept the roads clear. We will probably have some icing overnight, though.
Aaron I live over in Cedar Mountain (google it) about 40 miles west of you. We have about 8 in of snow on the ground, but roads are ok.

I am starting my Cab build with SAS and should have my car in the next 4 months.

With Scott Teele just over the hill, we should get together for some outings.

BTW my son got married in Lake Lure 2 years ago.

Well, Lets give the West Coasters a treat...Snow at night and the next morning at Linne `Ardan.

Clint, The areas near Tennessee always gets a mess of snow. Most know that my drive is 500 feet long and 17% slope. It had at least 6 inches with ice underneath. Black Ice yesterday. Come see me!

Yepper, that's a Jack barrel over my well head. It occasionally lets a fumes into the water. Prefer a single malt. Speyside or Islay!


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Damned... There goes the price of strawberries and citrus fruit forever! Hey, let's not forget mixed drinks...but one doesn't mix highland single malt! Sorry!

The stuff is still waiting on the ground for more to join up. No global warming here...the Perception Management people are wrong!!!

Ya'll flat-lander furineers got nary fur-lined unmentionables? Be glad to post some trapdoor longjohnnies. Maybe a jar of anti-freeze would help yuness sta'rum. Know yo ain,t got nary wood cut!

Yesir, I'll back up the cornpone! Moleasses might be a little better and lasts longer as sweeten than honey. Try'em in youren coffe in the morn.Dona I need to send ya som by U,S. Mule?

Thanks, Felix:
That's first light in the morning and very few flakes were falling. Linda and I usually take a long ride as the roads clear, but not this time. Too much black ice. Our driveway turns into an excellent ski jump. It was covered with 6+inches of snow and ice underneath.
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