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Came back from the alignment shop. They said everything was in good shape. The frame and suspension lined up real nice the frame seemed nice and square.

Took it for a test drive, much better. 60MPH on a curvy back road without my ass puckering as much this time. What a blast!!

A very nice job ! Congrats.........suggestion try ading 40 lbs of weight to the front end of the car you'll be amazed at how much the handeling changes in a positive way ....this may sound a bit off the wall but take 2 Hefty trash bages /doubled, and put some sand of small rocks in them set ( 20 lbs each side)them on either side of the battery

Alan Merklin
If you do decide to add weight, may I suggest good old fasioned lead....the weight is higher without taking up so much room... and your probably thinking "Where would I get lead?" The best place is a sporting goods store that sells shotgun shell reload supplies, they usually sell it in very durable 25lb bags.... you will be amazed how small they are
I mounted a 50lb chunk of steel to the steel frame section just behind the front torsion tubes.

The color is Chrysler Atlantic Blue (paint code: PBJ) Around here you see it on alot of 2003 Neons and Ram's.

The wheels were tricky. They are TSW 17x8 alum alloy. I had a hard time finding something with a 4 bolt pattern that I liked. I purchased brake drums and disks from that were drilled at the 5X130 Porsche hole pattern. Then I custom made adapters/spacers to adapt the 5x130 to a 5x112.5 and with the +35mm offset the thickness for the front and back was 2.25" and 1.5" respectivly. The adpaters are nice because I installed studs into them and it makes taking the wheels on and off much easier than the bolts.

(Message Edited 7/25/2003 8:15:33 AM)
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