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Someone PLEASE email Mickey off line and explain all of the hoopla to him,
I really just can't take another round of this. I KNOW that it's coming up on the yearly, "How about a reissue of the Corpse Badge" but . . .

I'm just too weak to go through it all again.

Strength fails me, the centre cannot hold,
And yet, what rough badge, its hour come 'round again,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be reborn?
People only want them because they can't be had. Let's see what the gang comes up with for a new design first.
If I remember correctly those badges have been up for $100+ on this site? That's just insane! For a grill badge? Come on.

I live in Delaware and there is the stupidist thing EVER that goes on here in regard to license plate numbers. A long time ago the license plate / tags were pretty low numbers (2,3 & 4 digits) now most tags are 6&7 digits. Anyway, it's viewed as a big status symbol in Delaware if you have a low digit tag on your car. People have sold their 3 & 4 digit tags for 10's of thousands of dollars! It's the single most moronic thing I've ever heard of. I see them around every once in awhile and I avoid the people who have them. I don't want anything to do with anyone who would pay that for a license plate.
Mickey, "People only want them because they can't be had"
No, People want one because they WANT one.
"If I remember correctly those badges have been up for $100+ on this site? That's just insane!"
Uhhh..No Duh! Make more for 30 or 40 a pop...problem solved.
I've been here over 6 years and wanted one ever since. Either I signed on too late for one here or got insanely "outbid" for one there, I still can't seem to hook up with one. And, as you can see I am not alone here.

Gerd, Theron ran a batch of this particular badge and sold them all many years ago, right before I joined in here. Just missed out and I always wanted one.

"Gerd, This is a pic."

And it's a modern day CLASSIC ! ! Just perfect in shape, size and composition. Doesn't matter what it says, the looks alone says it all.


The most recent badge stinks ! ! ! Looks like it was done by committee, the least objectionable alternative approach, Says nothing and does nothing. Nobody will be offended, but nobody is gonna notice it either, AND it kinda seem that nobody really does want one.

If there's going to be another badge, let's not rush it. Let's take our time and be sure that we don't pick it just 'cause Vince is planning on leaving an old, god-ugly corpse and won't buy one. He can just sit in his Pampers and stink if he wants to, I actually plan on leaving a FABULOUS looking corpse. I've spoken with Kohane Funeral Home about just that very thing.

It would be interesting if someone (not me) could dig through the past postings and see just who the guys responsible for the last badge were.

Who "designed" it?
Who approved of the design?
Who thought that it SUCKED?

If we eliminate the guys involved in the first two above groups from having any hand in the next decision making process, we'll probably be half way to a successful replacement for the classic corpse badge.

So, let's dig up those previous posts and point a lot of fingers at the idiots responsible ! ! ! And REALLY point too, not one of those silly assed "thumb points" that Clinton does these days. I mean a real ol' fashion, jab them in the base of the throat, bony finger point ! ! ! Then let's NOT allow them in the room while the rest of us are deciding the future. They had their chance and SUCKED at the task. An easy way to avoid another round of suckishness is to simply keep 'em out of the process . . . or they'll ruin it ! !

You KNOW that they will. They won't be able to stop themselves. They'll wreck it for everyone . . . again . . .
Bill I didn't mean any offense by saying what I said. I was merely stating that it's human nature to want "limited editions" of things.
I guess my comment coupled with the lunacy of our state license plates impliedd that I think the desire for the corpse badge is equally stupid, I don't. Though I do think with the small contingent we have here if someone has a badge they don't want they should just post it for a small profit and sell it to the first responder. I really didn't mean to offend.

It may not have been the initial intention to make these as limited as they are, but they do seem to be limited.
I can't understand why it hasn't been run again? If enough people want them why hasn't someone just had another batch done?
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