ummm I"m new here and taking a big risk .....
During a recent visit to Troy Sloans I discovered Troy has been busy secretly building his parts emporium empire here in Fresno, CA.. I was able to take photos of this top secret facility where not only his Cruiser Windows are hand assembled, but he has constructed a huge parts warehouse in which to store his abundant collection of parts and accessories.
I am taking a huge risk here but I thought it would behoove the SOC world to get a sneak peak behind Troys international operation. And By international I mean the labor used to build his Cruiser Windows. ( I thought I was at an Asian only daycare at first) Let me Assure you he has a new inventory of his Cruiser Windows and they are better than ever( as I tip toe over the assembly line set up in Troy's living room).
Tried to get pictures of that but Troy was too close and I didn't want to alarm him with my camera as this was a private top secret tour.
My only chance to get any photos was when Troy nodded off in his chair during a break in the tour.
Again, Afraid for my life I was only able to snap a few pictures of the inside and outside of this secret facility (see below).
As you can see while Troy Napped as the young lady He hired from the Home depot Parking lot (whom he insisted was his wife Sally....) was applying the second coat of paint to his massive 120 square foot parts facility and warehouse.