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Adrian, a special thanks for hosting this event.. You came though like a champion my Brutha... I had a great time on the drive, even though the folks in Anaheim Hills think were NUTS... for driving in the rain.. that was a blast too. It was nice to see everyone again and to meet some new folks too. Robert again man what a nice outlaw you own bro.. Sorry I had to leave a little early however the kicker is that when I got to Anaheim to see my sons game the other team did a "No-show" on us! bummer... Well at least SC won tonight and LSU lost .. LOL.. what goes around always comes around..

Over all a great day for me and Speedie!

Thanks again to every one in attendance.. even if some of us did not bring their TUBS! LMAO...

Speedster "D"

P.S. Jimbo my Brutha... did you post the link for the C & C from this morning? Let me know...
Hey Guys,
Thanks for a great time cruising.
Great photos, Jim.
Adrian, thanks for opening up your home for us. What a awesome house.
Speedster D, Thanks for Jokes.
Roy, thanks for the stores.
Bruce, hope you get your tub on the road soon. Can't wait to hear that turbo.

If any of you guys need something welded, cut or fabbed up, or you need use a car lift just give me a call (714)376-5634.

I am checking in with the city on what it would take to have a Speedster show on the promenade across the street from our house. We could always meet up at Original Mike's, which is also across the street from my house. They have car shows there all the time.

Thanks again,



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It was awesome meeting some of the other SOCer's on Sat. Roy, Speedster D, Robert, Jim. Thanks to Adrian for the "mini" tech day/BBQ, that mirror is somethin' else! Desi anytime bro. Can't wait for the next session/cruise. Finally got my tin cut up (and my hands) and attached. Wired and got it up and running. Took it 5 miles...whoooohooooo. Engine started to heat up again. I got find a dip stick thermo, anyone know where? Anyways, engine sounds idle.
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