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Just throwing out feelers for another cruise up Mt. Palomar and lunch in Warner Springs.

DATE: (Tentative) Saturday July 9, 2011.
RENDEZVOUS: Hwy 76 / I-15
TIME: 10:00 AM
Lunch at Warner Springs Ranch Cafe (Golf Course).

Palomar Mountain road...

Mt. Palomar Observatory...

MusbJim - aka; El Guapo, the most guapo hombre in all of SoCal! 

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Derek - I was cruising PCH through Laguna Beach yesterday and guess who pulls up next to me...Michael and some friends. Said he would definitely join us on the Palomar run (barring any delays on his car repair).

So far we have 11 cars;

Cuz'n Vinnie
Erwin 'E-Ticket'
Robert 'Bobsled'
Will 'Billyfeet'
Larry B.
Glenn C.
Ken 'WKD 356'
Derek T.

Video from Palomar Cruise Feb 2011 (for the sake of brevity, video is in double-time in some segments)
GERD...thanks..humbly, the show is quite fun, fast and good...I do not pick the yards (the Network does) but I can lead a Camel to water! Yards have to be complete sh*tholes....weeds 6' tall, neglected, mess....true DIY homeowners....a backstory, medium sized and 50 miles from Van Nuys (the production company hub).

I know this is off the post subject, sorry..BUT, if you have a potential yard and wanna be physically destroyed for a few weeks, contact Film Garden (Toni Gray) at 818-783-3456 and tell her you heard it from Billy D-

Let's rock another defiled plot of land, huh!!!
Troy, that would be awesome if you could join us. Will you be staying at your dad's? PM me if you need directions.

So far we have;

Musbjim & Ginny
Cuz'n Vinnie
Robert 'Bobsled'
Erwin 'eticket'
Mike '373'
Will 'Billyfeet'
Kevin 'CaptainKev'
Larry 'LaBull'
Glenn C.
Ken 'WIKD 356'
Derek 'Dbestwidebody'
Blake & Jenn
Troy S (tentative)
Desi 'cabanaboy' (tentative)
Eddy 'Karnuts' (tentative'
Billy D 'Fat356R' (tentative)

16 cars, this is becoming quite the event. Please chime in if you'll have an empty right-seat you'd be willing to share.

Weather forecast for next weekend = clear skies, temps mid to upper 80's. This cruise will be the antidote for the rainy weekend in Pismo!

P.S. - we will be driving by the location where the photographer from 1904 Photography will be taking pics that you can purchase on-line. These high-resolution pics cost about $20/ea and e-mailed to you.

Taken by 1904 Photography...

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