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Richard - cool that you can join us tomorrow! See ya at the Park & Ride lot next to the Mobil station on the Hwy 76 exit (off the I-15). 10:00-10:15am. My cell is (949) 294-6302

Frank - I knew you couldn't resist another cruise!

Mark - you will feel like a new man after a restful sleep (sleep study). You'll wish you had done it sooner (so will Rhonda)!


Peace - OUt!
What a great! day..... Jim awsome idea, my son and I had a ball.

Here are some of my "phone, held above my head and shooting blindly shots from the day. enjoy....

Ok this site bites for up loading pictures, so I started a thread on the Samba for pictures of cruises.
Wow...what a day...I covered just over 300 miles today, great run to Palomar...Jimbo says we had 17 cars, what a showing for a one day event, not to mention the fact that most of us do not live in San Diego..Oh sorry, I mentioned it....
Great to see some new faces from the SOC, and of course the old ones too...Warren came from Arroyo Grande and Troy from Fresno, how's that for attending a one day event..they are crazy....
Thanks to everyone who attended, it makes the whole day that much better, and to Jimbo for setting this up...

Special personal thanks to Kirk & Roland for fixing my carbs and making today possible for me to attend..the tub runs great....
A few pics of our cruise to Mt. Palomar (5,000'+)...

Escorted by California Highway Patrol, he pulled over a motorist that was slowing our progress (18 cars trailing)...

CHP telling SOCers about driver he pulled over who failed to utilize 3 separate turn-outs to allow traffic (SOC group) to pass...

Stop over at Palomar General Store...

356 with ATTITUDE at altitude...

SOC at the Palomar Observatory...

Here's a link to the pics taken by the roadside photographer that day. Click on 'Next' to scroll through the pages to find your pic...
Thanks Jim for setting up a fine Summertime Run! It had been way too long since I had seen the SOC Crew! Lots of big SEG's and some new faces made for a great day. Troy, Thuan and Warren made the long haul down to join in the fun, great to see you guys! I finally got to see Vince's new ride, it looks super fine. I had to pull out early because of my oil leak, but it was fun.
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