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Ok folks, my previous attempt at a southeast event bit the big one but I have an idea for another one that I need some feedback on.  What would you think about an even in the fall (October, perhaps) down in Savannah that included some track time at Roebling Road Raceway?  As some of you know, I have gotten into track days with some friends and I wondered if any of you would be interested in something similar.  This would be through a local group names Holy City Motorsports (HCM) started by a good friend of mine named Don Curtis.  This is the fellow that organizes all of the track days I've participated in and they are always well done.  Such an event has some caveats:

  1. If you are going to drive on the track it does cost some $$.  While prices may vary due to whether or not an instructor is required, the usual cost is ~$300.  If you are just going to be a spectator, there is no track fee.
  2. Helmets are required, as is a pre-track day inspection of the car.  I know several people in the Charleston area that can provide the tech inspection or you could have it done before coming.  Tech inspections must be done within two weeks of the track day.  HCM has a form that the inspector much fill out.
  3. Those of you with track experience (Cory, Danny, others?) and roll bars would have a blast.
  4. For those of you with track experience but no roll bars, we would have to limit speed or something.  Details are TBD.
  5. Those with no track experience but a desire to learn and suitable cars would need instructors.  In the past Don has not charged extra for instructors, but that business model may not last much longer.  This is not related to this particular event.  Any additional charge would not be huge.
  6. We might be able to do a lower speed lead-follow sort of thing for those that don't want to do the instructor thing or whose cars just aren't suitable.
  7. I would probably ask Don to invite some of our other HCM friends to help him defray his costs (the track is ~$4000) as well as to provide something to watch and possibly ride-alongs for those that aren't driving.  I would likely drive my BMW for that purpose.

I haven't researched other events for the trip as this is just a wild idea so far.  Don is willing if we can figure out some things.  Since he has to reserve the track well in advance and put up significant funds, we need to provide him with some definitive info by mid/late summer.  Right now I am just testing the waters.  If this doesn't look like a "go" I know he has a track day planned for September and those of you who are track trained and interested can possibly join us for that.

Whatcha think?

Formerly 2006 Beck Speedster (Carlisle build car), 1964 Beck Super Coupe

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I don't care anything about track time but would like to do the "tourist thing" of Plantation, Ft Sumter and Museums.  No reason a choice of activity couldn't be planned out.  

The last time I was in Charleston I flew our Cutlass to Savannah, GA  to drop Alice off for a woman's retreat then on to Ch'stn to hang out until it was time to pick her up and fly back home.  A high point of the Savannah to Charleston leg was getting clearance and flying  through the Marine Corps  air station airspace as I remembered basic training at PI back in '58 at which time I couldn't have even imagined such an occurrence. It was a thrill.

I'd be up for it along with track time.  Would bring new MX-5 (Miata) which has roll bars.  Helmet would have to borrowed - if I brought helmet I'd have NO room for clothes!  Miata has even less storage space than a Speedster!  I'd be more up to history/tourism aspect. Staying in nice B&B would be nice (wife would be there).  Only 7.5 hr drive for me. Round House Railway Museum looks cool as does the Savannah History Museum.

This is cool local car event (18 Oct - 6 Nov) -


Helmets should be 2015 cert, but the group probably will accept 2010.  Track time MAY have to be limited to lead-follow for those without roll bars, although some of the cars we've had that were driven by skilled drivers didn't have them.  I'll have to check.  Instructors are usually required for those who have not been signed off by an instructor at some point.  If you're limited to lead-follow it might not be necessary.  Again, I'll have to check.  We can discuss in a few days at Carlisle.

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