i went to huntington beach today to look at another car that i might buy. i saw a white speedster drive by me as i parked and then on the way home on the 405 to the 710 to the 5 to the 110 i had a silver VS speedster buddy the whole way. i was soooo excited.
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I was surfing Nside HB pier I didn't see you
Trying to clear my ears
What color is your Tubb-??
it's a light nude color.
there's a strong chance that i won't have my tub much longer so it was a cool ting to get to see a couple out and about today while i was in mine and especially to get to follow one/be followed home with one on the trip back.
Hmmm.... light nude? Vince can you help me with this one?
OK follow me here....If you spell "tubb" backwards, it's "bbut"
So I'm thinking TA got it backwards, and she was telling you the color of her bbut
not the tubb.....
Her "TUB" is actually closer to pale yellow....very pale
That's my take on the whole thing...
Annaliese....that was me again. With shades on, my car looks like that. I get over to HB often. Drinks Wed. ?
no yellow on my car.