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I am in new york on long island. How did you graph that piece in on your intermeccanica? I ask, because my plan is that I want to graph a T-6 nose from my envemo onto a speedster body to make a T-6 roadster. Did you make some kind of flange or other reinforcement to bond the two together? send me an email pcelenta at


not sure just yet. a T-5 B nose from the wheel wells forward will work pretty easily as the hood for the A and B are the same. dilema with a t-6 is that the hood is wider and the drip rail flange would have to be molded too. Certainly not impossible, but more work.
I've played a bit with fiberglass over the years (have my old john willis fiberglass auto body construction "bible" forever) We'll see. Open to all ideas and suggestions.

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