Yup, still with the 911 drive train although I swapped out the 911T for a 911S back in 2010 or 2011 and put in a 901 transaxle I had kicking around that I had put in new 1st gear synchs and dog teeth a while back. The one in the car I have on a stand awaiting its new synchs and dog teeth. Also got rid of the dizzy and now have a crank fire ignition system in it from Electromotive. I find I dick around working on the car, and another things, more than I actually drive the car. The only time I really drive it is when I go to the Falls for my early morning work outs and then I take the Niagara Parkway when its almost deserted. Nice drive.
Will be out of the country when Carlisle is on. Meeting up with a fellow Speedster owner in the Algarve, Portugal. We connected through this site about 12-13 years ago and visit whenever my wife and I go over there. He and I have talked about him coming over here and we'd go to Carlisle together some day. Some day I guess. Portugal got hit really hard financially back in 2009 or so, they are still recovering.
Nice to hear from you Gordon.