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This is my opinion only based on seeing all of the top speedster replica makers over the last 6 months.
1) Intermechanica is by far the nicest. We went to Carlisle last weekend and they had 2 cars on display. They are faultless. If you want a remarkable car...go with them. Overall rating A
2) JPS. We had to cars on display and we were very impressed. He buys his bodies from VS but has his own body guy do the body work. The paint and finishes on the car were equal to IM. Overall, an excellent value. Overall rating. B+
3) Vintage and Beck are almost equal. The Beck and the VS had equal body work which is to say...average. I would rate the body, paint work for both as a solid C. The Beck has the trick tube type frame which is impressive. Overall rating for the Beck would be a C+ or a B-. Overall rating for the VS would be a C+. The Beck getting the sight advantage because of the frame.

I am not in any way saying that I wouldn't want to own a VS or a Beck...matter of fact I will probably buy one of those. But, the JPS and the IM were clearly cars that had more time spent on the detail, the paint and the overall fit and finish. Prices for the last 3 were virtually the same give or take $1000. The IM that we saw was close to $40,000.

Hope this helps someone.
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This is my opinion only based on seeing all of the top speedster replica makers over the last 6 months.
1) Intermechanica is by far the nicest. We went to Carlisle last weekend and they had 2 cars on display. They are faultless. If you want a remarkable car...go with them. Overall rating A
2) JPS. We had to cars on display and we were very impressed. He buys his bodies from VS but has his own body guy do the body work. The paint and finishes on the car were equal to IM. Overall, an excellent value. Overall rating. B+
3) Vintage and Beck are almost equal. The Beck and the VS had equal body work which is to say...average. I would rate the body, paint work for both as a solid C. The Beck has the trick tube type frame which is impressive. Overall rating for the Beck would be a C+ or a B-. Overall rating for the VS would be a C+. The Beck getting the sight advantage because of the frame.

I am not in any way saying that I wouldn't want to own a VS or a Beck...matter of fact I will probably buy one of those. But, the JPS and the IM were clearly cars that had more time spent on the detail, the paint and the overall fit and finish. Prices for the last 3 were virtually the same give or take $1000. The IM that we saw was close to $40,000.

Hope this helps someone.
You know it might just be me. But after Carlisle where a stunning 45 beauties were lined up I saw individualism in each car. All were amazing. In the eyes of the beholder some were better than others but they were all a testament to the owners own blood, sweat and tears. I think all manufacturers are equal. They build quality and we take it from there. Sure IM is nice, Beck was amazing as well. VS stands out as a great one too. But those early CMC's were there as well and all really looked awesome. Tube frame, roll up windows, power windows, air, no air, heat, no heat. Your Speedster will look and feel and drive as well as you make it.




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If your only concern is finish and paint, you are missing the boat here... Speedsters are a way of life. Anyone can paint a car to be perfect. For IM and JPS to do that on a turnkey basis is nice, but you can take a Vintage, Beck, CMC, etc. and duplicate that for a fraction of the cost. Are you buying paint or a car that you can do whatever you want with?

To each his own. I have a VS and couldn't be happier. Some day, I'm probably going to drop $5k on a decent paint job that will rival all, but I'll do that when the time is right.

I think what is important here is that all of the cars are "replicars", not one of them is a real Porsche. Real cars yes, but replicas of a Porsche. Preaching to the choir here.....

I do agree with all that any 356....even an old ratty something special. If there was 2 builders who impressed me the most they would be JPS and Beck. From speaking with the actual builders I can tell you that these guys are truly exceptional. Becks tube frame was extremely cool and JPS's finish work was exceptional.
To each their own.
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