If anyone has pics they would like to post/consolidate on the SpeedstersEast site, please forward them to our Speedster Meet webmaster - Barry Fuchs. You can contact Barry at barrycfuchs@worldnet.att.net If you prefer posting to your own site, that's okay, in that case send me the links and we'll post them on the site too.
BTW, I was surprised when Barry did not show again on Saturday. Here's his response to my e-mail:
"Sorry we didn't make it back Saturday, we intended to...but the car didn't agree. Heavy rains held us up until after 10 and we were pretty quickly plagued with intermittent fuel cutout. Wound up being a shaky ground on the fuel pump, but by the time we got to Danville and tracked it down it was early afternoon. Frankly our confidence level was at the point where it seemed prudent to spend the time going through the car looking for other potential problems. Mike will be bringing the car down to VA in a week or two and wants to make sure it's 100% before he does. Disappointing not to get back, but it was fun tweaking timing, jets and other odds and ends and just driving the car on the great back roads up around northern PA!
Please do what you can to have anyone with show (or other) pix send them along to me. I'll be glad to return any slides or photos if a self-addressed and postage paid envelope is included, and any format of digital image works too. As for yourself, it would be nice to have your impressions and comments on the show to include - so put on your reporter's hat and send me and article! I'll be happy to keep the site going for as long as it serves a purpose, and hope it leads to more Mid-Atlantic regional events (like the wine tour). It was a pleasure meeting you, Dr.Clock and all the others and I hope we can keep the group going! Looking forward to those pix and your write-up".