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I think it might be time for a new one.There sure seems like a torrent of interest. I'll bet most folks are interested enough that they'd take 2 if they had to just to get the magic # 100. You could probably sell off a bunch on the eBay and make some cash on the side and raise awareness of this great site, to boot.
"I think it might be time for a new one."

NO, LUKE ! That's just it . . . all us guys that missed out on the old ones . . . WANT one . . .

Who wants a "drive sensibly, and leave the Speedster to your grand children" badge . . . ?!?!

We all want the corpse badge!

If a new badge IS manufactured, I'll trade one for an original badge, that everyone seems to be offended by these days. OR buy one outright, right now. No auction, straight cash for an original "corpse" badge in PISSA condition. Email me and I'll PayPal you right back!



I am a bit confused by this thread. No where on this thread did it mention that the badges were for sale. The original post was from over 2 1/2 years ago. Theron mentioned that the first order needed to have 100 minimum to cover the cost. Unless I am missing something here, there appears to be quite a few members wanting to buy the badges, but not a current order being done. Is there an order being done? If so, I would order 2 of them. Anyone out there want to head up an order?
Thanks from the giant sandbox called Iraq,
Jim many would it take to completely cover my car. THAT'S how many I want. Top that one TC. I love French fries.

I'm guessing by the lack of any serious response, that there are none of the original badge left. Perhaps if someone is still interested, they could start a new thread. Possibly titled who wants a new badge?
"I am a bit confused by this thread. No where on this thread did it mention that the badges were for sale."

I KNOW! That's the coolest part . . .

I love it that every once in a while, this "badge" thread pops up and everybody goes insane. It like pidgeons on the roof of a McDonalds. One of them spots a french fry and the rest go NUTS!

Wait a little bit, it'll die down. And then . . . POP . . . it'll come back in another couple of months and everyone will go just as crazy as they did before. I was part of the frenzy last time, but this time I thought that I'd join in a little more. It's kind of fun, really.

Ooooo! I think I see a french fry . . .

I would also take two badges. But, are we moving the ball down the field by "signing up" for our badges, or are we just spinning our wheels once again. Maybe Steve could just go ahead and start a post to take orders, and this thing will really happen. Are you there Steve? What do you think? I'll bet most of us woud pre-pay so you don't have to worry that the hype doesn't measure up to the reality. I know I would pre-pay for my two.
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