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Planning for Speedsters and Spyders West Coast Meet 2011

The park is reserved in Arroyo Grande and the hotel is holding rooms for us in Pismo Beach (but don't call to make a reservation yet, we won't be set up in their computer system until late next week), so now let's split up the work to make this an awesome event!

I need feedback on a few questions and we need volunteers to lead drives and help with the banquet. Please read to the bottom, answer the questions, and volunteer to help.

Just a reminder on the dates: June 3-5th, 2011 is the big event!

I've read through all the past threads regarding suggestions for our West Coast Meet and based on that I think our best Schedule of Events would go something like this:
*Friday: arrivals and group dinner
*Saturday: 9am: all cars to the park for a group photo.
Various drives leaving from the park throughout the day. (see below)
For anyone not wanting to go on drives we have the park all day to stare at our cars and bs or go and do whatever we want. Maybe we'll have a cornhole tournament!
6pm: Banquet
*Sunday: an early morning drive or group breakfast???

These four drives have been suggested by many and can all be done before our dinner on Saturday. Each drive needs a leader who would be responsible for leading (duh), putting together maps and making lunch plans.
*Big Sur: While long, this can be done. Figure 7 hours, including time for lunch, round trip to Nepenthe restaurant. Of course, whoever leads this may choose to do something else for lunch, this is just a suggestion. I estimate that this drive would leave the park at 10am and return to the hotel by 5pm.
*Hearst Castle: From the park Hearst Castle is about 1hr15mins, the tours are 1 hour and 45 min long. This would would have to be timed to match the tour schedule.
*E-Ticket: Fast, Curvey, and All Fun (is that a drive or woman?). Eddie Janis are you listening? There have been special requests for you to lead an awesome adventure.
*Wine Drive: Through South SLO County.

There are several things we need to organize for the banquet.
*Food: I've asked Warren and Karen to work with the banquet manager to plan our meal. (Warren, if you haven't checked your email yet: surprise!)
*Raffle: Our raffle needs an organizer to contact our generous vendors for donations and conduct the raffle.
*Awards: People have suggested we give out awards (longest drive, etc). Someone needs to head this up.

*Jim and his son, Colin, have offered to come up with a logo for our event.
*I've asked Dave Mitchell to help with registration so we can get good head counts for our activities. (Again, Surprise! if you haven't checked your email yet.)
*Photography: I know we have several photographers in the group so I'm wondering if one (or more) of you would be willing to get us set up for some nice photos. You know, herd the cats so we get nice composition and good backgrounds for group shots and maybe some individual photos too.

Questions for you:
*What do you want to do on Sunday? I know a lot of people have to hit the road. Do we want to organize a drive anyway? Breakfast? Both? Play it by ear?
*Are there other group things you'd like to include in the weekend?
*Does it look like I'm forgetting anything?

Recap of the volunteers we need:
*Drive Leaders
*Raffle Organizer
*Awards Organizer

Please answer the questions (even if you're not volunteering)and, if you have the time and the interest, volunteer to help plan this event!

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Planning for Speedsters and Spyders West Coast Meet 2011

The park is reserved in Arroyo Grande and the hotel is holding rooms for us in Pismo Beach (but don't call to make a reservation yet, we won't be set up in their computer system until late next week), so now let's split up the work to make this an awesome event!

I need feedback on a few questions and we need volunteers to lead drives and help with the banquet. Please read to the bottom, answer the questions, and volunteer to help.

Just a reminder on the dates: June 3-5th, 2011 is the big event!

I've read through all the past threads regarding suggestions for our West Coast Meet and based on that I think our best Schedule of Events would go something like this:
*Friday: arrivals and group dinner
*Saturday: 9am: all cars to the park for a group photo.
Various drives leaving from the park throughout the day. (see below)
For anyone not wanting to go on drives we have the park all day to stare at our cars and bs or go and do whatever we want. Maybe we'll have a cornhole tournament!
6pm: Banquet
*Sunday: an early morning drive or group breakfast???

These four drives have been suggested by many and can all be done before our dinner on Saturday. Each drive needs a leader who would be responsible for leading (duh), putting together maps and making lunch plans.
*Big Sur: While long, this can be done. Figure 7 hours, including time for lunch, round trip to Nepenthe restaurant. Of course, whoever leads this may choose to do something else for lunch, this is just a suggestion. I estimate that this drive would leave the park at 10am and return to the hotel by 5pm.
*Hearst Castle: From the park Hearst Castle is about 1hr15mins, the tours are 1 hour and 45 min long. This would would have to be timed to match the tour schedule.
*E-Ticket: Fast, Curvey, and All Fun (is that a drive or woman?). Eddie Janis are you listening? There have been special requests for you to lead an awesome adventure.
*Wine Drive: Through South SLO County.

There are several things we need to organize for the banquet.
*Food: I've asked Warren and Karen to work with the banquet manager to plan our meal. (Warren, if you haven't checked your email yet: surprise!)
*Raffle: Our raffle needs an organizer to contact our generous vendors for donations and conduct the raffle.
*Awards: People have suggested we give out awards (longest drive, etc). Someone needs to head this up.

*Jim and his son, Colin, have offered to come up with a logo for our event.
*I've asked Dave Mitchell to help with registration so we can get good head counts for our activities. (Again, Surprise! if you haven't checked your email yet.)
*Photography: I know we have several photographers in the group so I'm wondering if one (or more) of you would be willing to get us set up for some nice photos. You know, herd the cats so we get nice composition and good backgrounds for group shots and maybe some individual photos too.

Questions for you:
*What do you want to do on Sunday? I know a lot of people have to hit the road. Do we want to organize a drive anyway? Breakfast? Both? Play it by ear?
*Are there other group things you'd like to include in the weekend?
*Does it look like I'm forgetting anything?

Recap of the volunteers we need:
*Drive Leaders
*Raffle Organizer
*Awards Organizer

Please answer the questions (even if you're not volunteering)and, if you have the time and the interest, volunteer to help plan this event!

I also vote for Eddie for the E-ticket drive, but if he doesn't want to do it, I will be more than happy to set this up or help Eddie with it.

Also, for those that hang around on Sunday, we could do another wine tour or trip to Ragged Point for lunch or???.....just thinking out loud. I will be in the area all weekend....ha, ha, ha.

Jen and Blake wrote, "For anyone not wanting to go on drives we have the park all day to stare at our cars and bs or go and do whatever we want. Maybe we'll have a cornhole tournament!"

What, pray tell is a "Cornhole tournament"?

Sounds like something that Vince and Gerd would organize if it what I don't want to even think it is......ewww.
You like how I just slipped the cornhole in so nonchalantley, eh? Blake and I became fans after he was introduced to in San Francisco. We even made our own cornhole set! Playing it is the only time you get to yell "Cornhole!" in public! Always makes for a good time!

Jim, You are the first to volunteer so the cruise up the coast is all yours. How ever you would like to do it (duration, stops, etc.) is perfect.

Vince, Thanks for taking care of the raffle.

Dave, thanks for taking care of the registration.

Gerd, expect a call from me about the beans.

Warren, I'll give you call this week about the dinner.

Many years ago the earth was formed...Eve tempted Adam with a frigging apple and all was lost from that time on until a man named Theron created the SOC, at which time the West coast members decided to get gather in Paso Robles...An ex magician/leather goods dude elected himself King of the merry men and women of the west and all was lost from that time on, till a couple from Long Beach rescued the SOC'ers and you are now up to date.....
Troy...I can only speak for myself, but this thread isn't about bashing Dusty, we all appreciate what he has done, it's about making a change...He decided to take it personal, and this group isn't one that you can cop an attitude with, if you haven't noticed...
If and when he decides to post again, we will take him back with open arms and all will be fine once again..At the very least he should allow us to have the LMS back...
Focus, Focus, Focus...There are plenty of other threads to rehash the past on. This thread is about planning for the next big west coast meet. There's lots of planning to do and we agreed this would be a group effort, so back to our fabulous group of volunteers...

Jennifer thanks for being in charge of awards.

Warren, I got your email thanks for taking care of the Saturday dinner planning. I'll be in touch with you about that. Also, thanks for being willing to take the helm of the E-Ticket adventure if Fast Eddie doesn't step up ;-)

Okay guys we have a registration plan being developed, hotel rooms blocked, park reserved, leaders for two drives, Saturday dinner is handled, raffle under the reliable guidance of Vince, and awards in the making.

Still needed:
*Any photographers out there want be in charge of setting us up with great photos?
*Do we want more than two organized drives on Saturday? If so, who's leading and where are you taking us?
*Warren suggested a drive to Ragged Point for lunch on Sunday. Is this something we should organize? You guys heading North to go home interested in that?
*I'm thinking of a simple catered BBQ dinner for Friday night. How does that sound to everyone?

And most importantly...CORNHOLE! ;-)



Images (2)
  • cornhole
  • jen playing cornhole
Thanks for the update Vince.

Yes, so far I am keeping my car, but that could change, so far I am able to hang onto it, for this I am happy!

Jen, what kind of awards do you have in mind: ie: paper cetificate kind, something such as a "trophy-ish" kind? Lemme know.

Sounds like the plans are coming together, I am very excited about the change in venue! Thanks for you work.:)
Although it's only about 7 or 8 miles long, the road from Avila Beach to Diablo Canyon is fun. I believe the roads name is Pecho Rd...
Also, when you get to Diablo Canyon you can see the powerplant where killer Robert Blake was arrested during an anti nuclear protest rally back in late 1981 (Oh boy, what a treat)

Another great twisty road is Old Creek Rd (off of Hwy 1) in Cayucos (north of Morro Bay) to Highway 46. About 12 to 15 miles of twisty turns.
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