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Well fellas and gals, I can't tell you how much fun I'm having seeing the pictures and hearing the cries of woe-is-me from all you Left-coasters who routinely bop around under warm sunny skies and let us Right Coasters know about it. YUou finally got to run around for a week end in the rain, got to see how well side curtains do not work, and could appreciate first-hand what a good job Henry does (his shop IS next to the rainiest place in the northern hemisphere). The mental image of Vince bailing his brand new SoCal car out has been worth the price of admission. Welcome to our world. You are all now fully qualified to attend the Carlisle event.

So, please just Rave On!! and stay cool, if not dry. Sounds like the gig was a blast, and I can say for sure that the rian can be a bother, but it does not dampen the spirits of SOCer, no matter which coast they inhabit. I hope to get out for your annual bash again sometime. Had a great trip out to Moro Bay a year ago, and would look to do it again soon.
Thanks guys for the picture compliments.

As for posters... I think the poster for next year should be a speedsters with a soggy, cold guy holding two broken C.V. joints, while a couple of guys are under the back trying to install a third... Add rain and sloshed Vince some where in there, and I think you'd have it.
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