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Original VW sedan shift levers were pretty straight, making the reach to third gear a bit of a stretch.  Lots of kids I knew who had them found a way to put a slight bend in the shift lever to improve/reduce the reach (hold the lever between two 4" X 4" while a friend gently stands on it in the right spot).  Fortunately, a bunch of companies saw what was going on and came up with shifters like the Vintage, Gene Berg's and Lane's CSP.

If the reach into third is a concern for you, simply find a lever with a comfortable bend in it to suit you.  Lots of them out there.

To use a earlier stock shifter with the bend or added to a later stock shifter) you need to have the earlier shift rod in place that has a forward vertical slot cut in the rod cup that accepts the horizontal pin on the shifter ball this keeps the shifter from rotating or,  remove the rod you have, use a hand held grinder or cutoff wheel to add the groove to the one in your speedster replacing the nylon bushing and checking the coupler condition while you are there.

Last edited by Alan Merklin

I also have the same problem, where I have to reach more than I should to engage 1st and 3rd.  Henry, at Intermeccanica, had the same shifting problem while driving my car.  The solution is NOT to buy another shifter, because that won't solve your problem.  I started out with a CSP shifter and then tried a Vintage Speed shifter.  1st and 3rd shifts were a reach for both.

The solution was to modify my Vintage Speed by bending the arm more.

Photo of the Vintage Speed shifter before the modification:




Photo of my vintage Speed shifter after the modification


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