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I love it when East Coast Bruce gets excited, and remember:


The only awards we've ever given out are the longest distance driven or trailered to the event. No muss, no fuss. You put in the longest mileage, you'll get the award (and they're really cool awards, too!).

Several years ago, Cory Drake brought his "Projekt Hoopty" to Carlisle half-finished, engine-less and on a trailer, and we all thought it was great. That same year, Lane Anderson's car arrived as a humongous pile of parts and a bunch of us pitched in and built the thing over the weekend. We've had cars in need of paint, some in need of interior work and some with other things in progress - no problem. If you can get there by driving, trailering, towing or pushing, bring your ride to Carlisle and join in.

And that means other types of kits, too.......We've had MG-TD replicas, Dune Buggies, Envemo Cabriolets and several others, all welcome and you'll get to hob-nob with others who have similar vehicles who are going through the same problems as you might be, and we're all ready and able to provide helpful tips and advice. You'll also get to see just about all of the other kits available on the planet - Cobras, Nobles, T-Birds, Corvettes, Ferraris, Lamborginis and the largest gathering of imported cars on the East Coast.

What'cha got to lose?? You'll get to spend a great weekend with some truly great folks and talk about it for months to come.

Come to Carlisle!!!
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