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Carlisle is currently offering a 10% Gate-N-Go pre-registration discount up until April 18th, 2016 at midnight EST and your entry window sticker will be mailed to you . These discounts are applied on their website at checkout. After registering, a receipt will be emailed to you and they ask that you bring your receipt with you.   

Here's how to register for the 2016 Carlisle Import & Performance Nationals NON-JUDGED or JUDGED showfield:

Add this registration to your cart and check out.

All Carlisle Import/Replica event-related info - INCLUDING REGISTRATION INFO - can be found on that site.  IMPORTANT! When registering, please specify your club as “SPEEDSTER OWNERS”, this helps us to get our own tent erected on the showfield for the weekend and the more registrations the bigger the tent!

If you're coming to Carlisle, don't forward to submit your RSVP (avaiable at the top of this thread).  Then we can have nametags ready for you and your guests as well as reserve spots on the cruises and the Saturday evening awards dinner.  RSVPs have been received from the following folks.  

Lane Anderson - South Carolina
Scott Bessette - Virginia
Tom Blankinship – Michigan
Bob & Mary Carley – Canada
Jack & Alice Crosby– Arkansas
Bill Drayer – Pennsylvania
Ed Ericson & Karen Tsukada– Maryland
Vicenc Feliu & Charlene Cain – Pennsylvania
Ron Fish – New York
Kelly Frazer – Maryland
Al & Heidi Gallo- Massachusetts
Al & Rose Ann Greig– Illinois
William and Audrey Haas- Pennsylvania
John & Sarah Hallstrand – Tennessee
Steve & Shiela Hayward – New York
Paul Holden & Glenn McCoy – Maryland
Jim Kelly – Fiji
Dwight & Susan Kennedy – Pennsylvania
Chuck & Maggie Martin - Pennsylvania
Michael & Jian Ping McKelvey - Michigan
Alan & Connie Merklin – Pennsylvania
Paul Mossberg – Pennsylvania
Bruce & Norma Stumpp – Maryland
Michael Warjas & Dianne Croxford – North Carolina




Images (3)
  • _DSC5209
  • Lining them up
  • The tent with banners

RSVP is in the mail! Bringing my 16 yr old son with us this time and we're looking forward to seeing everyone!

It's not too early to be visualizing good weather!!!

Also, for SE caravaners, we will be trailering to facilitate transport of our brand new Spyder that we will take delivery of at the show. If the weather is going to be good, the plan is to drive the Speedster up and trailer the Spyder/Speedster home. We will have an empty trailer going north. A nice asset for the journey for any unexpected issues!

Madness shmadness!

The Morgan is strictly a low-speed car and not suitable for long distance travel.  It doesn't even have a water pump as the developers figured that thermo-siphon cooling was adequate for British conditions - and therefore those of the rest of the world as well.  It's also suffering from a weak clutch that requires disassembling half the car to repair.  I'mo not even sure it can keep up with modern freeway traffic.  My one drive was strictly low speed (40 or below).

That is a neat car, but if it is that low speed, could it handle being leashed so that you can walk beside it  just saying,  I guess this is one that you really are better to enjoy as a garage queen or just going around the block for a purist. 

If you want to make it an outlaw I would get a real clutch and put in an inline water pump to cool it down.  All stuff that could be reversed at a later date to sell to a purist I would think. 

Lane's comment about Morgans is applicable to the old models only.  It's like saying all VW engines are 36 HP.  Morgan has had dozens of iterations and models through the years, some for domestic (British) production, some for export.  All of the recent Morgans use engines from different manufacturers, such as Rover.  They do have issues with their Morgan odd bits and pieces, but are fully capable of highway travel in almost all models, both older and recent.  Recent compliance demands from the US regarding air bags and crash compliance may finally spell the end of Morgan's imports to the US market.

Don't delay making your reservations, only 59 days to Carlisle!  So far RSVPs have been received from the following folks: 

Lane Anderson - South Carolina
David & Carol Bayne – Pennsylvania
The Beck boys - Carey Hines, Brad Weis, Mike Fincher - Indiana
Scott Bessette - Virginia
Tom Blankinship – Michigan
Bob & Mary Carley – Canada
Jack & Alice Crosby– Arkansas
Bill Drayer – Pennsylvania
Rich Drewek - Wisconsin
Ed Ericson & Karen Tsukada– Maryland
Vicenc Feliu & Charlene Cain – Pennsylvania
Ron Fish – New York
Kelly Frazer – Maryland
Al & Heidi Gallo- Massachusetts
Al & Rose Ann Greig– Illinois
William and Audrey Haas- Pennsylvania
Steve & Shiela Hayward – New York
Paul Holden & Glenn McCoy – Maryland
Jim Kelly – Fiji
Dwight & Susan Kennedy – Pennsylvania
Chuck & Maggie Martin - Pennsylvania
Michael & Jian Ping McKelvey - Michigan
Alan & Connie Merklin – Pennsylvania
Paul Mossberg – Pennsylvania
Ron, Maddie & Nick Mullis - Georgia
David & Francine Stroud - Canada
Bruce & Norma Stumpp – Maryland
Michael Warjas & Dianne Croxford – North Carolina

44 days to Carlisle!
I've been getting asked a few questions about the weekend and thought I better answer them here for everyone to read:
1. Do I have to be a member of a club or organization to attend the events/activities?
No. The Speedsters Meet Spyders (SMS) gathering is open to any and all who own or are interested in owning a 356 or 550 replica. Information and updates will be posted om
2. Is there an entry fee?
The SMS gathering is an event within an event. On the same weekend, Carlisle holds a LARGE import and replica meet at the fairgrounds that we participate in as much as possible. This year the weekend is called the “Carlisle Import & Performance Nationals”. The weekend registration fee is $40 and you can qualify for a 10% registration discount if you register prior to April 18, 2016 at midnight EST. Carlisle will have a large turnout of import cars of many different makes as well as many replicas and replica manufacturers. In addition, there is a swap meet, live music, cars for sale, new product releases, great food, automotive displays, free seminars, autocrossing and more. The Carlisle registration fee gets you, your car and a friend in the gate all weekend. If you register early you will receive your sticker in the mail before the weekend. Also, the earlier and the more registrations submitted under our group (Speedster Owners) insures we have a free tent erected on the show field for our group to use all weekend. More information on Carlisle can be found here:
3. Is there an entry fee to participate in the SMS meet?
No. There is no entry or registration fee for the SMS weekend.. We cover expenses via a raffle that is held Saturday evening after the awards dinner in the hospitality suite of the Marriott host hotel. We ask all attendees to contribute items for the raffle such as car care products, related auto memorabilia, books, new parts, car art, etc.
4. Do I have to sign up for the whole weekend and get a hotel room or can I just attend one or two days, maybe even commute from home? What about SMS activities?
Everyone can spend one day or all four days. If you are just coming for one day and want a nametag printed and ready, please send me your full name and state. If you plan to participate in any cruises, the Friday morning tour of the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center and/or the Saturday Evening Awards dinner you need to complete an RSVP form and email it to “bstumpp at Comcast dot net” or snail mail it to Bruce Stumpp, PO Box 12, Phoenix, Maryland 21131. Seating is limited for these activities so it is important we know in advance if you are participating. The RSVP form can be found at the top of this thread. Of these activities the Army Heritage and Education Center tour is free and the Thursday dinner is pay-as-you-go. The Saturday Evening Awards dinner is $41 per person (check or money order) and must be mailed to me by May1.
5. My car is not finished and is not perfect, I'm not sure about parking it on a “show field”.
This is a fun gathering and is not meant to be a “beauty contest”. In fact, Carlisle makes a point of calling the field the “fun field”. Our motto every year is - “Drive ‘em, trailer ‘em, tow 'em but get them there somehow”!! So come out, participate and have a good time.
6. Are there awards?
Every year we strive to recognize people who travel the farthest. This year we will present three awards at the Saturday Evening Awards dinner: (1) the longest distance traveled by a 356, (2) the longest distance distance traveled by a 550 and (3) the longest distance distance traveled by an MG. The rules are: To be considered for one of these awards you must have driven or trailered your ride contiguous days on your trip to Carlisle no matter what route you take to get there. You may stop no more than one night at a time to rest during the trip – one two-day stop will be allowed for mechanical issues. Total accumulated miles will be used. If you stop longer than one night than your total mileage will only be calculated from where you started to Carlisle. Finally, you may only win the award two years in a row. As an example, if someone in Iowa decides to leave on their trip to Carlisle by driving to California first, their total miles – Iowa to Caliornia to Carlisle - will be considered IF they stop no more than one night at a time. If they stop longer than one night – other than for mechanical issues - than their total mileage will only be calculated from where they started, in this case, from Iowa to Carlisle.
7. Can I participate in the autocross?
Yes. Over the weekend the autocross is run on Carlisle's on-site course under the auspices of NICOFest. Questions about requirements should be directed to the Carlisle management. Details can be found here:\
8. What is the schedule for allthe activities?
For the Carlisle activities, check their website or when you enter the fairgrounds you will receive a program with a schedule of all of their weekend activities. For the SMS activities, people who RSVP will be emailed a weekend schedule a few days before the meet. SMS schedules will also be posted at the hotel and in the showfield tent.
9. I heard MG replicas are being invited to join the SMS weekend activities, is that true?
Yes. Lacking an established group, MG replica owners have joined us the past few years until their group gets organized. They are participating in all activities and registering with Carlisle as “Speedster Owners” club.
10. Must I have a 356, 550 or MG to participate?
It's understood some people may not be able to bring their car or are in the process of considering purchasing one so not required. There may be open right seats available or you can drive your daily driver on the cruises but keep in mind the most fun really is in having your car there.
11. Where do we meet on the Carlisle show field?
Every year the SMS has its own large tent to gather in and around. Enter the fairgrounds through Gate 3 and just keep following the access road – you can't miss our tent and the rows of 356/550/MG replicas.
12. Will there be facilities to wash my car?
There will be a “live” hose behind the Marriott host hotel for everyone's use, Also, just inside Gate 3 at the Carlisle fairgrounds there are several free car washing stations for everyone's use.
13. Is there socializing in the evening?
The Marriott has reserved the hospitality suite for our use. Many of the participants will gather in the suite every evening – starting early and running late. Bring along your snacks and something to drink and make some new friends. .
14. Should I bring anything along for our time at the fairgrounds?
We do a lot of socializing under the group tent, particularly all day Saturday. We order quite a few chairs from Carlisle but if you have room, consider bringing folding chairs for you and/or your guest. You might also bring snacks and/or a cooler with your favorite beverages. Also consider lawn games such as bocce ball, bean bags etc.
I hope I answered everyone's questions. If not, please post it on this thread or send me an email and we'll get you an answer.





Images (3)
  • Participants with cars on the showfiled
  • Saturday showfield lineup
  • The tent with banners
Ron Mullis posted:

RSVP is in the mail! Bringing my 16 yr old son with us this time and we're looking forward to seeing everyone!

It's not too early to be visualizing good weather!!!

Also, for SE caravaners, we will be trailering to facilitate transport of our brand new Spyder that we will take delivery of at the show. If the weather is going to be good, the plan is to drive the Speedster up and trailer the Spyder/Speedster home. We will have an empty trailer going north. A nice asset for the journey for any unexpected issues!

Madness shmadness!

Ron--My son. Russ will be bringing my 16 year old grandson, Sean Crosby  to Carlisle again this year so it's good your son is coming and is the same age.  



I've received an RSVP from the following folks.  If you're coming - even for a day - drop me a line or send in your RSVP  - that way we can reserve space for you on the cruises and have  a name tag printed and ready when you arrive.  And don't forget about the Saturday Awards dinner!   We're looking for another fun weekend and Carlisle promises to be even bigger and better than previous years.
Joel & Barbara Abraham – New Jersey
Lane Anderson - South Carolina
Julio Bautista - Florida
David & Carol Bayne – Pennsylvania
Scott Bessette - Virginia
Tom Blankinship – Michigan
Bob & Mary Carley – Canada
Rocky & Linda Cimbrec - Pennsylvania
Jack & Alice Crosby– Arkansas
Tom Dewalt & Sean – Virginia
Cory & Jeni Drake - Maryland
Bill Drayer – Pennsylvania
Rich Drewek - Wisconsin
Ed Ericson & Karen Tsukada– Maryland
Vicenc Feliu & Charlene Cain – Pennsylvania
Ron Fish – New York
Kelly Frazer – Maryland
Al & Heidi Gallo- Massachusetts
Al & Rose Ann Greig– Illinois
William and Audrey Haas- Pennsylvania
Steve & Shiela Hayward – New York
Carey Hines, Brad Weis & Mike Fincher - Indiana
Paul Holden & Glenn McCoy – Maryland
Jim Kelly – Fiji
Dwight & Susan Kennedy – Pennsylvania
Dave Kumpf & Diane, Mark Perry – Pennsylvania
Chuck & Maggie Martin - Pennsylvania
Michael & Jian Ping McKelvey - Michigan
Alan & Connie Merklin – Pennsylvania
Paul Mossberg – Pennsylvania
Ron, Maddie & Nick Mullis – Georgia
Bill Murdock – West Virginia
Biff & Cec Prinkey – Maryland
Pete Schumann - Virginia
David & Francine Stroud - Canada
Bruce & Norma Stumpp – Maryland
Peter Venuti - Massachusetts
Michael Warjas & Dianne Croxford – North Carolina


Images (3)
  • Speedster Spyder photo shoot at Carlisle
  • The tent with banners
  • Ready to head to the Saturday Awards dinner

Reminders & Updates

Only 27 days until the start of the Speedsters Meet Spyders (SMS) weekend and just
10 days until the May 1 deadline to get your Saturday Awards dinner $ in. Following are few reminders and updates. Join us for another fun weekend.
  1. SMS weekend RSVP - Don't delay, if you haven't already, send in your RSVP today so we can plan on you and your guest(s). If you're coming for a day or all four days, send in an RSVP.  The form and information are at the top of this thread.
  2.  Carlisle registration – If you're going to the fairgrounds and experiencing the Carlisle Import & Performance Nationals (IPN), you'll need to be registered. Register soon so we can get credit towards getting our group tent on the show field. Registration instructions are at the top of this thread.
  3. Saturday evening awards dinner - This is always a fun evening when long distance traveled and a few fun awards are presented. The food buffet is always delicious and plentiful. Attire is casual and tropical/Hawaiian shirts are recommended. Please, due to required advance catering head counts you must get your checks/money orders to me by May 1. The cost is $41.00/person for a full dinner buffet and that includes the service charge and tips. The menu and details are posted eerlier in this thread.
  4. Saturday night raffle - Other than your Carlisle registration and Saturday evening awards dinner you don’t have to pay anything else in advance – just pay as you go. One exception: we ask that everyone bring a contribution (new parts, products, goodies, memorabilia, etc) for the annual raffle held at the hotel Saturday evening. Proceeds from the raffle help to cover expenses incurred during the weekend.
  5. Friday morning cruise - The cruise will be through the rolling roads of central Pennsylvania to the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center. The Army Heritage Center Foundation, in cooperation with the U.S. Army and our other partners, serves as the lead agency supporting the development and expansion of the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center (USAHEC). The Center is being developed to preserve the memories of Soldiers' and their Families, honor their service, and help educate the American public about the Army's and its Soldiers' contributions to the Nation. Bring your camera, you won’t want to miss all the photo opportunities!
  6. German cars are featured at Carlisle this year - VW, BMW, Porsche and More
    Each year, the show field at the Import & Performance Nationals (IPN) features a different theme and different country. In 2016, the event will showcase German vehicles.
  7. Free instructional and informational seminars announced by Carlisle          The Complete Tune-up hosted by John Twist of University Motors
    Speed Tuning hosted by John Twist of University Motors     
    Rust Repair and Welding hosted by Carl Heideman from Eclectic Motorworks
    Wiring Diagnostics hosted by John Twist of University Motors

    How to Get your Car on the Track hosted by Tim Suddard of Grassroots Motorsports         

  8.  Just announced: A shave and a tuck for you - IPN an all-new indoor display
 In recent years, the modern import market has been taking after popular trends within the hot rod market to make their engine bays look less cluttered with modern wires and electronics. Car owners and lovers alike have been flocking to a look known as shaving and tucking, a way to give their engine bays a sleek and clutter free presentation. Once complete, this essentially hides wire harnesses, coolant lines, brake lines and more under support rails, inner fenders and under radiator supports. Once wires and such are conveniently tucked away, welds and fills, combining with shaving down the area where holes used to be offer a perfectly clean canvas for additional customization, specifically a sleek and flashy paint job. Many top show cars in the modern import scene are going this way.
        9. Low car limbo
IPN is taking a cue from the Caribbean on how they will determine the lowest car or truck at the show. Instead of measuring from the driver door or the roof, they figure the best way to see who is lowest is to make them limbo. There will be a vehicle limbo bar set-up in multiple increments. Each car and truck must make their way under the bar without smoking tires and without knocking the limbo bar over. The last vehicle not to knock off the limbo bar wins!  We suspect the Spyders will do well in this contest!


Last edited by East Coast Bruce
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