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If you're coming to Carlisle, don't forward to submit your RSVP (available at the top of this thread).  Then we can have nametags ready for you and your guests as well as reserve spots on the cruises and the Saturday evening awards dinner.  RSVPs have been received from the following folks (still waiting for a few): 

Joel & Barbara Abraham – New Jersey
Lane Anderson - South Carolina
Bill Ascheman - Pennsylvania
Julio Bautista - Florida
David & Carol Bayne – Pennsylvania
Scott Bessette - Virginia
Tom Blankinship – Michigan
Jack Breza – North Carolina
Bob & Mary Carley – Canada
Rocky & Linda Cimbrec - Pennsylvania
Jack & Alice Crosby– Arkansas
Russ & Sean Crosby – North Carolina
Lenny Cuccureddu - Connecticut
Tom Dewalt & Sean – Virginia
David Dixon – Canada
Cory & Jeni Drake - Maryland
Bill Drayer – Pennsylvania
Rich Drewek - Wisconsin
Ed Ericson & Karen Tsukada– Maryland
Vicenc Feliu & Charlene Cain – Pennsylvania
Ron Fish – New York
Kelly Frazer – Maryland
Al & Rose Ann Greig– Illinois
William and Audrey Haas- Pennsylvania
Steve & Shiela Hayward – New York
Carey Hines, Brad Weis & Mike Fincher - Indiana
Paul Holden & Glenn McCoy – Maryland
Jim Kelly – Fiji
Dwight & Susan Kennedy – Pennsylvania
Dave Kumpf & Diane, Mark Perry – Pennsylvania
Angela & Steve Lane - Oregon
Chuck & Maggie Martin - Pennsylvania
Michael & Jian Ping McKelvey - Michigan
Alan & Connie Merklin – Pennsylvania
Rick and Michelle Milczankowski - Connecticut
Paul Mossberg – Pennsylvania
Ron, Maddie & Nick Mullis – Georgia
Bill Murdock – West Virginia
Biff & Cec Prinkey – Maryland
Dale Schumacher - Virginia
Pete Schumann - Virginia
David & Francine Stroud - Canada
Bruce & Norma Stumpp – Maryland
Peter Venuti - Massachusetts
Michael Warjas & Dianne Croxford – North Carolina




Hi David,

My plan is to travel East on I 40, then back West on I 80.  It should be about 5,000 miles r/t.  I've been thinking about this trip for a long time, patiently waiting for all the correct stars to align.  However, as I am now 71, I have realized that, in my case at least, the stars will not align.  I'm going to forge ahead anyway, or I'll never do a trip like this.  

Most of my car and retirement buddies are around my age, and they can't do road trips any longer.  Poor health is almost always the reason.  All of us older guys know the drill: Oh man, I'd love to go, but it's too hard to get in/out of the car; too far from my doc/meds/toilet/hospital; my wife will throw a fit if I even mention it, yada, yada.  Since I'm still reasonably healthy and still have a few of my faculties, I'm goin'.  It will probably take me the first week to learn how to operate my radio/sound system/gps/dashboard gizmo, but I'll have a few maps to help me along. 

imageimageOne more thing, Jim, since you're heading out on I-40, David Stroud recommened this place, The Blue Swallow Motel ( I almost stayed there a few years back on VW Beetle run. I did manage to stop by for a few photos. If it doesn't fit the schedule, it's at least good for a leg stretch, pit stop and photos. Bob's Radiator in Gallup was a quaint little shop on old Hwy 66 that helped me get back on the road one afternoon.image


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Last edited by Rich Drewek

X6 what Rich said.  I'm stoked that you'e doing the old Route 66 thing.  I know you've got some miles to put on but if you can, stop now and then for a breather and take some pics. We did that route in 2011. 

Stop in Winslow, AZ for a pic.  Gallup, NM for the El Rancho, Tucumcari, NM is a cool stop,  Amarillo, TX has a great steak place...the Big Texan. All these places are right on your detours, no side roads, no delays. Try to enjoy the sights along the way. I know it's hard to do and your plans will likely be somewhat flexible / vague depending on your progress. 

Best of luck, Amigo. PLEASE open up a thread and keep us in tune with your progress. We'll all be thinking of you.  Here's a couple of pics of what you'll see along the way.


Images (3)
  • Corner in Winslow
  • General store, Tucumcari, NM
  • Big Texan for steaks in Amarillo, TX
Last edited by David Stroud IM Roadster D


Great opportunity for for MUSBJIM to do this trip along with you ( I'd go in a heart beat if it were in the opposite direction) but Jim's family obligations certainly take precedence.   A Few days prior to your west coast departure do start a new thread so that we can keep an eye on your progress and in the event you run into any sort of trouble we can help.   Have a  safe and adventurous trip of a life time!

Last edited by Alan Merklin

It seems a lot of you do not like Hwy 81 to get to Carlisle due to the amount of trucks... I was just wondering which Hwy's do you guys take from the New York state down to Carlisle.  I have driven to Florida using it from the Canadian border down to Carlisle and around to 95 via 15 but not in my roadster.... yet.  Any suggestions?

Nancy Garwood and William Scholl: 

I noticed you have (separate) reservations under the Speedster Owners block of rooms at the Marriott.   I haven't heard from you so if you see this post, and are joining in on the weekend festivities and would like additional information about the weekend, please send me a PM and I'll email the details to you.    

Jim Kelly---since you're coming across I-40 why not plan to join the Southern Caravan at Knoxville, TN Tuesday 5/17 for the annual dinner with Hoss & Nolan and their wives and join the caravan on to Carlisle. p more folkse Speedster folks then on to  Mechanicsburg (Carlisle) the afternoon of the 19th.  

Or---Stop in Little Rock on the 16th---turn right off I-40 at Little Rock and go 45 miles to Hot Springs and overnight with me & Alice---then do the Hot Springs to Knoxville leg on Tues the 17th.


Tom---sorry you have to miss Carlisle this year.   I understand that things come up but absolutely nothing would change our plans to attend Carlisle.  This year I put closing a large business until after Carlisle and collecting  6 -figure commission.  It can wait---I'm heading for Carlisle.  Woo Hoo!



I should elaborate a little more.  My colleague needed to have surgery and will be out for 6 weeks (4 more to go).  The nature of her assignment is feast or famine.  I was hoping for famine because, in addition to my own work, I picked up hers.  Unfortunately, the feast hit this week and I'm screwed for the next 4 (at least).  I'm very unhappy about it since its work I did not want to do.  The only thing that's keeping me from retiring again is the cooler head of my wife, (plus I've gotten spoiled again with the steady income and a benefits, which I can blow on Speedster parts :-)). I really have something to show off this year, too :-(

Tom Blankinship posted:

I should elaborate a little more.  My colleague needed to have surgery and will be out for 6 weeks (4 more to go).  The nature of her assignment is feast or famine.  I was hoping for famine because, in addition to my own work, I picked up hers.  Unfortunately, the feast hit this week and I'm screwed for the next 4 (at least).  I'm very unhappy about it since its work I did not want to do.  The only thing that's keeping me from retiring again is the cooler head of my wife, (plus I've gotten spoiled again with the steady income and a benefits, which I can blow on Speedster parts :-)). I really have something to show off this year, too :-(

She must be cute! LOL

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