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Truly awesome, the event and the cars. Thanks for sharing.
that's freakin' RAD!....heated seats a MUST!
Big deal. Being towed on skis is for wussies. When I was a kid, we used to do the same without skis.
Of course, this was on snow covered city streets, and the guy in the car didn't know we were holding onto his rear bumper.
Lots of fun, until you hit a bare patch of pavement...
Check out the one legged skier,,,,, He's no wuss....
hell, we would take 2 old toilet seats nail them on a 2x6 and go down these 45 degree hills w no brakes..
4 foot two by four two halves of a metal rolling skate a wooden milk crate Nails on top and you had a Kamikaze scooter
Bob: IM S6 posted:Big deal. Being towed on skis is for wussies. When I was a kid, we used to do the same without skis.
Of course, this was on snow covered city streets, and the guy in the car didn't know we were holding onto his rear bumper.
Lots of fun, until you hit a bare patch of pavement...
Called "Hang on the wee" city buses were great and with slippery boots you could go for literally miles hoping of course you did not hit any asphalt patches but since the bus went from stop to stop you could manage to get back on.
Great fun. Dangerous like heck for some.
Heck, I was crazy enough to compete at Mt. Snow and Killington in Vermont in the snow shovel races back around 1970. To “train” we would ride the lift to the summit, shovel snow onto the departure ramps from the lifts and then ride the shovel down the mountain on regular trails. Never was nuts enough to try a triple diamond, but we did some pretty crazy stuff.
And it was uphill both ways... We to bumper skied too. Best one was at night on one of the main roads. Four of us on the bumper of a Camaro -our fingers gingerly interlaced in our plastic six pack rings -anticipating the zenith of a Saturday night. Learned about centrifugal force the hard way when he went into a parking lot and started doing donuts. Snowbank meets rotten kids with Coors -film at eleven.
I'm sure everyone has heard of this, as a skier, I once went pond skimming up by Gordon. Mostly happens in April. 40 feet of trench in the snow, a tarp, very cold water. You need to get across while bystanders are yelling and throwing snowballs -tests your mental resolve. Beer helps. Put it into the Never Again pile. I particularly appreciative the St. Paully Girl.