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Lose that red ball cap and put on some shades ! ! ! ! ! !

Otherwise . . . the vid makes the car look as slow as s#it. The viewer wants to be excited by something that they don't own and can't do. The car is all over the road but looks to be traveling around 38mph.

Wind out the motor and let us HEAR it hurting. A little stagger cam work and an over-all more saturated look to the coloration would keep things alive. When the car is sitting still fade the imagery out to a rich sepia to play up the heritage of the shape, then jump cut and hit HARD with another staggered cam shot in blazing color of the car flashing past with s few sun blind spots cut in and again. LET"S HEAR THAT PISSA ENGINE at full song.

Oh, and lose the silly ball cap and get some shades on that driver . . . he just looks sad with those little Puppy Dog eyes.

And that early 90's techno-pop ! ? ! ? ! ? You wanna have Spyderbait as background sound.

ForuM PriCK
All of the filming with me driving behind the camera car was SLOW.
No idea why they picked that particular trip around the S's... I had several more spirited runs for sure. Regardless, there is 5 hours of footage and that is just 2 min of it, from the producer, as a teaser. I'll share the input with him and I'll be sure to post a link for any other cuts.

Oh and TC, I do normally have my shades but it was DARK and overcast, (I am actually very surprised at how well things came out considering), and I'll keep that in mind next time... but the hat stays... ;)
Points well taken. I'll advise the producer to put some of the shots of me throttle steering the car through the S's. I know there are plenty of the side of the car coming right at him, smoke rolling off the tires, and the crackle of that Suby at 7K. But I'll still have my red hat!
And hey, I turn wrenches EVERY DAY, ALL DAY. I just work on new s#it and know how to wash my hands...
OK, took some searching around, but at LEAST you now have the right music for your video.

Gotta go to work next on your First Camera next. Right off the bat we have a continuity error in that you open with shot of the garage door going up and the car facing outwards. A few silly "trick shots" and we're inside the garage, door still going up and we see your smudgy little face, trying to look all who-knows-what in a silly red little boy's cap, but NOW the car (and you) are facing inwards.

What's next? A rapid acceleration into the back wall . . . ? ! ? ! ?

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