What style steering wheel was on a 1958 Speedster A model? A Derrington or Banjo Style?
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I could be wrong but I don't believe either of those were a stock option. This is what you mostly see in original A models..
My ubderstanding is that a lot of folks opted for dealer-installed, like the Nardi. The stock ones (banjo) are kinda flimsy. http://www.google.com/search?q...;client=safari#biv=i|0;d|gVTTdVkuDGsGZM:
I really like the look of the original 356A steering wheel listed on ebay. But... $1,800?!?!?
I like the factory style and the center button becomes your flash to pass switch. But its a larger wheel I wish someone woud do a 14 inch verson of it for us.
I think it was a VDM and for replicas of them you must spend 2.500€ in Germany you can google or look on www.356sales.com/vdm.html there is a replica for 2.295$
This wheel was the official option from porsche
for a old one i think you must spend the double of a replica if you found one in super condition
I have take a moto lita and you can write for more information to mr wüst in germany under www.lenkradshop.de he speaks perfect english and send it world wide is a specialist for sterring wheels and if you say greathings from Georg which the 356. Speedster in silver with blue he can send you the picture of my or make a special also for you!
I hope it will be help
I agree with Gerd. I like my Nardi.
Brooklands Bluemels! I dare ya!