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Check with Nardi or Moto Lita distributors.  Of course prices might have gone up since I last looked. Also, you can check with Mike Lempert ( for a custom made wheel.  His prices are in the $300+ range and he may take a little while, but you can get anything you want.

EDIT: It would help if I'd read the post right above me, huh?

Last edited by Lane Anderson

I couldn't agree more, Ed.  I love my Nardi wheel , and when I bought the car I had never heard of a Nardi wheel.  If I could, I would convert my truck and other car to the same wheel, which would not be practical at all.  The wheel is , in my opinion, your most personal physical contact with your vehicle. (unless you wear gloves) If you are in love with that freakin' machine, you spend all your driving time fondling that wheel.  Try a few and get what you  like to hold.  If it's a dump truck or a dozer it doesn't matter. This is your baby, $100 plus or minus will not matter if you're happy.

But you knew that. You're already a car guy.   

Great post on windshield install.

As far as the steering wheel is concerned, I think Nardi is the ticket. 

I don't know how many times I've learned about trying to save a few

bucks, then having to go back and by the wheel I wanted in the first place.

Today I installed the rotary fuel pump and eliminated the fuel filters after

the pump. Things are moving along. I'll be driving that thing this spring!

944 gauges, that's not very common. Mine are  914's, but I'm a CMC and you are a IM , so that must be it.  Biggest headache is the size of the dash holes. So measure yours, and think about potential re-glassing  the holes?

Beck/Special Edition and another manufacture, (sorry,I forgot)  worked a deal with VDO, to re-manufacture  the original gauges, with some upgrades I think.. Visit Becks site to review their "new" gauges.  I can't afford new gauges , but these look sweet.

Last edited by Art

When thinking about steering wheels, don't forget to also think about the hub and horn button.  Also about wheel diameter (14",15", or the original 17"- too large for most), and grip diameter ( classic 2.4cm, or modern Nardi 3.6cm).  Also whether you want a dish or flat wheel... This will impact the spacing between the wheel and blinker arm--- and possibly the size of your hub or requirement for spacers.

in my mad mad mad search for the right wheel I whent from an ivory Banjo 16" with ISP hub as delivered new from VS, to a

2) Mike Lempert 15" flat Nardi style with inlay wheel  (ISP 6 bolt hub, 13/4" spacer and JPS P horn button adaptor ), 

3) an ISP West 15" diameter Moto Lito with tear drop cut outs (1" dish, 9 bolt pattern, with custom hub and horn holder, and  Black horn button).   This they sell as a kit (wheel, hub, horn button holder and horn button) for 399$.  Awesome wheel and custom hub/ horn button holder....  And finally, soon to be installed..

4) a 2nd Mike Lempert, 9 bolt, VDM style dark finish, 2 lighter inlay stripes in the front  and inlaid rivets on the back, thin cut out 15" flat wheel to fit into my custom ISP west 9 bolt hub and horn button holder, with Black horn button, using a 1/2" spacer to bring the flat wheel a little closer to me and give me 3" between the wheel and blinker arm.

all wheels have  the classic thin 2.4cm diameter grip.  I tried the larger 3.6cm grip of the wood Nardi, and it felt to much like a modern car to me..

... There is no right answer... Just the right one for you.

im including pictures of the banjo, Lempert #1, and Motolito w/ their custom hub.  Lempert #2 has yet to be installed.

banjo, almost 16", ISP west hub-


#1 Lempert, 15" flat, ISP west 6 bolt hub punted Ivory, and polished spacer, JPS horn button holder --


moto lito 15" wheel, ISP west 9 bolt hub/horn button holder-


Moto Lito 15", 1' dish , ISP west 9bolt hub/ horn button holder-


ISP west 9 bolt hub- back view, I painted part of it Ivory --


Lempert #2 was inspired by Anads Lempert VDM wheel ( pictured)... Made to fit the 9 bolt ISP west 9 bolt hub. image

... To many options... Do your research, ask questions, and hopefully you will avoid going through 4 wheels in 3 years like I did ;-). Once I found a hub/ horn combo I liked, it was just a matter of having Mike Lempert make a wheel that had everything I liked about all the other wheels I had gone thought.  


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A complete rebuild/conversion of 356 gauges will run you about ~1,300$ at either Palo Alto speedometer or North Hillywood Speedometer... New guts, silkscreen new faces, new glass, etc... And 3-4month lead time.  

If your holes are 100-105mm you are good. If you have a VS with 110mm holes you will need to either re-glass, or use a larger 911 rubber spacer to hold the gauges in place.  

There are a few good  discussion/post on this in the archives.


Last edited by Lfepardo

I think I'm just doing the wheel right now. I finally have my momentum up, and I

don't feel like going through all the time and money of the gauges. Between the windshield trim, the wheel and the gauges, I feel like at the beginning again.

I need to find a wheel that I can get quickly with all the bells and whistles to stick

it on. I'm to the point of installing the carpets, bolting in the seats, putting on the 

top, and hitting the road. I've been looking at it for 3 years, and I'm dying to drive it.

I like the looks of the Moto Lito 15 ISP w/9 bolts. Is there a long waiting period?

I guess I should contact Nardi, Moto Lito and Becks, and make my move.

Thanks for all the help.

ashcreek posted:

I think I'm just doing the wheel right now. I finally have my momentum up, and I

don't feel like going through all the time and money of the gauges. Between the windshield trim, the wheel and the gauges, I feel like at the beginning again.

I need to find a wheel that I can get quickly with all the bells and whistles to stick

it on. I'm to the point of installing the carpets, bolting in the seats, putting on the 

top, and hitting the road. I've been looking at it for 3 years, and I'm dying to drive it.

I like the looks of the Moto Lito 15 ISP w/9 bolts. Is there a long waiting period?

I guess I should contact Nardi, Moto Lito and Becks, and make my move.

Thanks for all the help.

You should ask Lefapardo if he's willing to part with one of those wheels.

ISP web site says they have one Moto Lito style kit available in stock now. Call them, they are in California.  When I ordered mine, I received with in the week.   Great to work with.  included wheel, adaptor, horn button, and horn button retainer ring.   But I'm sure they will steel the stand alone wheel. also has the volante wheel ,1"  dished, in stock , ....same as the Moto Lito, but a little cheaper.... 169$

 Moto Lito -- I just saw several on eBay listed for ~200$ + shipping , most located in the UK, .....but (also in eBay) in Vegas has the flat and dished 15" available for 230$ includes shipping.   

The ISP hub/horn adaptor is still my favorite looking hub set up.

bunch of NArdis as well.

what hub do you have?   On eBay there are several US companies, (I have ordered billet spacers /adaptors from Forever Sharp Steering wheels before... Another good shop),  that sell the Nardi/Momo 6 hole to 9 hole adaptors for ~34$

i unfortunately only have the banjo/hub to sell... ( no horn button)...  The Lempert #1 is spoken for , and the ISP is installed in my '62 356 coupe.



Last edited by Lfepardo
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