Hi all, I have a CMC speedster with the original steering wheel they used i believe...I'd like to put a Nardi wooden one on it. It is 14" in diameter..with 6 allen head screws holding it to the hub...is this a standard pattern??? Thanks for any info...Merry Christmas to all, Bob
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Hey Cheeta, not familiar with CMC 356 parts or Nardi, but I built a CMC Gazelle and the steering column was from my donor VW, directions were to make an extension so it would reach the new seat positions. In the case of a CMC 356, the builder may have used a VW column if it was a kit, or CMC may have used different type of column if it was factory built. you might check local Pep Boys, Advance Auto or similar stores for adapters or Google them. Most steering wheels are bolted directly to the steering column so you would need an adapter to fit the column and allow you to bolt a new steering wheel to it. Good Luck!
Don't believe CMC offered a steering wheel option. Majority were owner built. Post photo of turn signal assembly to help id VW year donor (or look as VIN/Chassis number for year - column most likely same). Formuling France (popular back then) used 9 allen bolts and Grant used 5 so neither of them.
Sell old wheel with hub - and buy new hub with wheel you want. Splines changed '73 up and I think 63 (?) back.
I used a Grant steering wheel with a nice aluminum billet adapter.. Made my own horn button, total spent was around $225
Bob, my Nardi has six Allen bolts, not five. Of course, it is on my Vintage Spyder, so I can't really advise what goes on Speedsters these days.
My CMC has five 24-10 screws attaching it to an aftermarket hub that fits the VW 40 spline shaft. Important to count splines as there are different shafts. Photos available as I took mine apart yesterday.