I asked the basic questions that anyone would want to know that would be interested, here is the jerk offs response.
"I am not sure I understand you. What qualifies you as being an
expert? You have owned some? Have you constructed one,or
commissioned one to be?
You position as a consumer of replicas is respected, but are you
really saying you have knowledge of ever builder in every city?
I am very confused and cautious with your questions.
If you live in Iowa,why would you want to drive a car this time of
year? Especially a car that has never seen a winter road or a
garden hose. All of your questions can be answered in the
auction so what do you really want?"
So I ask because I don't claim to have knowledge of every builder, who actually built the car, because I have never heard of these people as car builders. I think he is basically saying and misleading people by saying a car with a CBperformance drivetrain is a CBperformance built car. No one would except that answer....he is looking for an idiot to fall for his less then truthfull responses. Any real questions aren't answered.