Is there anything I can spray in there to free it up?
Lots and lots of carburetor cleaner - best if you dis-assemble it and simply soak it in carb cleaner overnight (NAPA sells it by the gallon, but it'll be expensive) - Before that, just try blasting it several times a day with an aerosol can of Gumout Carb Cleaner - not the cheap stuff - while gently working the actuator to free it up. It might take a while, but it should dissolve the goop, flush it out and let the shaft operate freely.
After it is freed up should I lube it with something?
Nope, it should be free of goop by then and should operate freely. You could try blasting it with P-B Blaster (usually nearby the caburetor cleaner at Autozone) after the carb cleaner's done it's job, just to make sure it's clean and give it a little film to keep it from gooping up again, but it shouldn't need it.
Good luck.