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Just when I was starting to lose the constant feeling of paranoia leaving the car parked...

Bastards took the whole thing, replica '56 plate, custom recreation of a Competition Motors/Hollywood frame and tag toppers (with reg tags attached)!

Plus, the top screws holding the frame to the plate that never hit the body during normal driving vibration scratched the shit out of the body when they pried it off!

Have started ordering all the pieces to recreate what I had. Short of trimming the frame with razor wire, I'm not sure how to prevent a repeat.

It goes without saying that if anyone sees a School Bus Yellow '56 plate reading FEIN356 for sale or on a car other than mine, find the nearest Priest to administer last rights

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Just when I was starting to lose the constant feeling of paranoia leaving the car parked...

Bastards took the whole thing, replica '56 plate, custom recreation of a Competition Motors/Hollywood frame and tag toppers (with reg tags attached)!

Plus, the top screws holding the frame to the plate that never hit the body during normal driving vibration scratched the shit out of the body when they pried it off!

Have started ordering all the pieces to recreate what I had. Short of trimming the frame with razor wire, I'm not sure how to prevent a repeat.

It goes without saying that if anyone sees a School Bus Yellow '56 plate reading FEIN356 for sale or on a car other than mine, find the nearest Priest to administer last rights



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  • lr_Lake_Arrowhead_8-29-04 005

Tuesday in a secured parking lot, and pretty much within sight (or at minimum ear-shot) of the attending security guard.

Not to slide into over-reaction mode, but as this is my daily driver I'm serouisly considering getting a baby monitor-type/two-way radio set-up; one on my person and one under the dash, so I can hear if the alarm goes off. I have to believe that the way the plate was pried off (just bending it back and forth until it broke loose) the motion detector was tripped.

I echo Pat's sentiment!
And no, you are not over reacting taking additional and perhaps untried measures to keep and ear out for trouble. The reality is that our cars are pretty visible and pretty vulnerable.

The only new car I ever owned was a '73 VW ragtop and I used to lock the doors... so I guess you know I wound up replacing a top when the bastards cut their way into the car.

Maybe you can tip the parking attendants in order to park closer to their sleepy eyes and ears? The scratches and the bending tells me it was an opportunist (junkie-type) and probably was a crime of the moment by someone stupid and ill prepared... stupid thinking there was resale value in a personalized plate and no tools, well, enough said.
Sorry dude,

Bummer city. The day before I found out about your loss I went down to a auto parts store and bought a license plate frame in gold, label on the wrapper said 24 ct. As it was $20 I doubt if it was 24 ct but in any case it matchs the logo's on the rear. My intent was to mount the led 3rd brake light warning on it. Now, maybe rethink my intent.

Don't forget to mail me your address Mike. Let me know when you order the plates.

Bruce, "the Eagle Point Guy"
Mike, the world will always be inhabited by stupid ignorant idiots, who just don't have a clue of how humanity should act. Sorry dude.

Bruce, I'm checking with my attorney as to whether or not I have internatioal control over the "The...........Guy" phrase. We may have to serve a summons on you for infringement. By the way where exactly is Eagle Point ?

Gclarke "The Vacaville Guy"

Eagle Point is in SW Oregon, just 12 funfilled miles north of Medford on Hwy 62. If you have thoughts of copy writing the ".....guy" I could always say that the fair state of Oregon does not recognise any California laws, I know your Governor is bigger but we will sic the spotted owls and at the last resort, "Big Foot" on der governator.

Why not come up for our tour in two weeks and I'll show you a slice of heaven.

Bruce, ahem, "the Eagle Point Guy"
Bruce, I had a slice of heaven for a while, I lived in Salem for a few years in the early 80's....Got tired of driving through "St. Helens" ash everyday. And then the economy tanked there.

My barrister says he would sue you but he can't find ORYGUN on any map from AAA, so I guess we'll just have to let you trespass on the phrase......

Gclarke "The (original) Vacaville guy"

Kinda makes you wonder, considering that the theft was in view of the lot superintendant, whether said watchdog was in cahoots with the thief (well, at least it makes ME wonder.........)

Gary and Bruce: I've been using the quoted "Guy" thing, too, but haven't been too worried, since Rhode Island is so small, neither of you guys (or your lawyers) would ever find it. Even if you fly here, they announce that you're landing in "Providence", when the airport is actually in Warwick, and the air traffic circle takes you over Connecticut and Massachusetts during some approaches. In my part of RI, we have only one, small, mom & pop grocery store, and have to drive out of state to Massachusetts for groceries (and just about everything else except boat stuff). Of course, by boat we can get to the rest of the state, no problem. Guess that's why they call it "the Ocean State".........

"One of the Speedstah Guys from Rhode Island (where-ever THAT is...)

The economy tanking did its job in the 80's. Sent all the "fureneers" from California back to their origions. Actually talking to people that were here during that period still talk of the recession/depression of that time. The economy then was based almost solely on lumber and if nobody is building homes anywhere in the country then the ripples get very big in a state like Oregon. It has changed somewhat now but where we live in Southern Oregon the new home building pace is fantastic. Most of my neighbors are from that big state south of us. Retirees fleeing your wonderful state and coming up here with barrels of money. If the Golden State is so great, why are so many coming up here and over to Nevada? I think I know the answer to that one!

Anyway, we like it here and guess we got off Mikes thread, still a mystery why someone would rip off something they couldn't display, unless as John Leader mentioned, they wanted the tag.

Bruce, "The Eagle Point Guy", not copywrited as of this morning!

I was in Rhode Island once for 20 minutes. I was honored as being a kin to the founder of the great state, Roger. Just kidding. Actually did spend some time there and visited the Newport area. Took the tours of the mansions, wow, to be rich in the pre income tax days must have been something. The differance between the haves and have nots was gigantic in the 1880's. Learned that those mansions on the ocean were only lived in for about 6 weeks in the summer. The owners, mostly from NYC, took the train up to Newport to spend some time at their summer "cabins." Beautiful surroundings there in RI. My friend from near Hartford likes to go over there on juants. Trivia question, what state in the Union does not have an Interstate Hwy?

Bruce, "The Eagle Point Guy." (not copywrited yet Gary!)
I have decided to line the inside rim of the new set-up with some razor wire. I figure if line it up flush with the edges of the frame so as not to be visible, I may catch them the next time - since it was done locally at a place I frequent, it probably will happen again.

We've got to stay cutting-edge with our security efforts.

My aunt was having problems years ago with someone coming through her backyard. More than once, she had little things stolen. The police even chased and lost someone in her backyard. She found the point of entrance was over the same gate, which had it's hinges broken after someone climbed over it. She put carpeting tack strips on the back side of the gate, pointing down. Never had a problem again, she did have to disinfect the fence from time to time though.
I've always thought that razor blades half embedded and positioned so as to catch criminals unawares would be useful.

Interesting story... My mother works for the social services in the city where I grew up in the UK. As part of her job she is required to visit some of the more unsavoury areas and leave her car unattended whilst visiting clients. As her car does not have an alarm fitted, my father jerry-rigged a box with flashing LED on top to give the appearance that there was in fact an alarm. This was intended only as a deterrent to any opportunist who might happen along.

Once, as she was getting into the car along with one of her clients, this fellow somehow received a shock from the door handle of her car.

Apparently, because of this, it was spread around the local criminal elements (who she regularly came into contact with as part of her job) that her car sported some kind of home made alarm that electrified the entire vehicle, and woe to anyone who tried to steal it!


PS Can I get dibs on "Speedster BLOKE"?

You won todays Jeprody issue but got a feeling you cheated and used Mr. Rand McNally! I don't know why that popped into my senior brain cells but it did a few months ago. I used Mr. Rand McNally too!

Congrats to you.

The razor blade thing was popular in the 50's when fender skirts were popular and easily stolen. The threat of nasty cuts kept many thieves at bay, Mike, then you'd have red blood all over your Speedy but I'm sure you wouldn't mind cleaning it up. Go Man!

Sorry about this Mike; I have a suggestion: after you get your plate done again, use special vandal proof fasteners. I got some at my local Pep Boys; they're just screws that need a special tool. Not expensive but I'm sure they could've saved your license plate if you had them then. Good luck.
Actually, with a cooler head prevailing, rather than the razor wire I'm going to opt for washers welded to both sides of the plate around the screw holes. This will thicken the area that was bent to the breaking point. It should act like those fiber rings you put around three-hole paper to keep them from ripping out of notebooks.

I think what made this such a snatch and grab was they could jimmie the plate back and forth for about 20 seconds breaking it off at the screw hole line. When I found the car the lower screws were only slightly loose and there were school bus yellow metal shavings all along the license light rubber seal.


Unfortunately, with the tag about as vulnurable as it gets, they took the whole unit, scratching the hell out of the body below the grill.

In all seriousness, all I can do is make it hard for them to get in and get out quickly. If they spend much beyond 60 seconds, someone is going to get curious about the alarm, and/or my two-way will bring me out to investigate. Although this has been my daily driver, new rule: don't take the car if I can't get back to it in a minute.

Sort of takes the fun out of having such a cool daily driver, but we live in a shitty world...

In addition to the kill switch in my IM Roadster, I purchased an area alarm and a car cover. When I leave it anywhere, the kill switch comes out and the alarm is activated. The cover goes on just to discourage a crime that is opportune, like the theft of my genuine 1956 series YOM rear plate.

For those crack-heads that know value, I store the front plate in the
trunk; also, for the benefit of the police. I don't mount it on the car, because a stolen pair brings a more than a single. I have a nice frame from Symbolic Motors in La Jolla around the '56 plate, and a '61 year sticker that cost a lot. I worry more about the plates than I do the car itself...
Yeah, I've been pretty lucky thus far; garaged at night, covered in a "secured" parking lot by day, kill switch out a every stop (mostly because I frequently leave my driving lights on).

Until now, the biggest incident has been the alarm being tripped by people politely pointing to items of interest in and on the car. They're so respectly and nice whne I run up I feel gulity that I made them jump out of their skin, then hold their hands up like suspects on COPS.

Is it possible to have two tags? One crappy tag and the other custom job that you had stolen...make it so you can easily switch them (or could you just remove the good tag?). Can't steal what's not there...won't bother if its just a crappy one.

I'm just thinking that the best way to prevent this is not give them the opportunity...much like the MB hood stars that you can just remove when you park the car, or the quick disconnect steering wheels, or the old pull out tape decks...

Everytime you park just remove it and either take it with you or lock in the trunk.

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