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From what I've read, Street Beasts used to be CMC and there was a whole bunch of (il)legal stuff that when on.  Don't sue me for saying that! 

At any rate, is a car like this even worth checking out?  Were Street Beasts only kits, or were they sold finished too?  

Also, realistically what should this car be priced at?  $22K seems a bit high to me maybe for what is essentially a CMC.



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the paperwork I got with my fiberfaboulus had some cort documents with it saying the auto resoulutions was appointed to over see  so the owners got all the parts that were supposed to car was a 1994 car, and not everything was sent and the orignal owner didnt know what shoule be there & what shouldent so it's missing some items.side curttians,emblems,the door trimsash/what ever it's called for the side curtains pins/brackets to slide down into,mirriors, ,etc. but I do have the side curtain brackets!!!

with enough time $$$ and talent you can make a turd somebody.there are even pacer clubs. in reality I see no differance between the cmc,fiber,vintage, or any's all in the fit&finish & me a finished car like vintage or beck or any other "finished car" is not a kit car.and they dam well better look good.mine on the other hand is the 94 fiberfab. and the body mold should of been retired in 86.... but it wasent and it is what it is and I will have to deal with it when I get to it. As bad as I feal nowdays I may not get to do much of any of what I want to do to it, it may just end up a vw with a glass body on it. but I dont have the $$ to have somebody else do what I want done. with that said, if I had the $$$ to spend on that yeller car there and be riding.....or another nice one. but I realy dont like anybody else's workmanship.( with a very few execptions, and then there are things I would want diferent) yes I am a pain in the ass (for my self). and I doubt I have the tallent any more to do all of what I want.

I'm thinking 16 large, tops.....Any more than that isn't warranted for a CMC/FF/StreetBeast of that era..."Sketchy Pedigree" was the creator/seller not necessarily the cars themselves. I owned a FF for several years that was obviously a kit to begin with, but I enjoyed it very much, although some of it's features were a nightmare to be honest, I attribute the issues to the home builder not the CMC people.....

Sorry. By sketchy pedigree I wasn't meaning the builder (necessarily) but more about what people do to the vehicles once they own them. Buying any used car has it's challenges and if you get a good deal, you don't mind some minor restorations, replacements. if the vehicle is near or at a high retail price to begin with and it's not 100% and your dream car, you can sink far more into it than you could ever recoup. After market additions, repairs and things done by less than qualified persons can be frustrating and problematic. We looked at quite a few cars before purchasing and generally, but again, not always, if people weren't willing to take pictures of a certain part of it, there was a reason. Not that you'd spend that kind of change on something and make the purchase soley based on photos anyway but it can cut out the ones that just don't warrant the in person visit.

Just bear in mind that CMC, Fiberfab and Street Beasts were all, in their day, only makers of bodies.  They out-sourced all of their other parts (lights, hinges, door handles, all that stuff) and were never in the business of actually building any of their cars.  What cars were "built by the factory" were actually outsourced to local (usually close to their "factory") autobody shops (and sometimes much less than that) who built up the kits under contract to SB.  Probably 95% of their cars were built by private individuals so they are all different.


Actually, I miss-spoke up above......Making car bodies was kind-of a side-line for them.  Their REAL business was tele-marketing their kits to unsuspecting dreamers (like me) who paid top-dollar for their kit, always received less than they bought and then had to deal with abysmal customer service after-the-sale.


I would agree with Vince on the price, though......Unless you know the build reputation of the builder of your SB car, then $16K would be a top-end price.

To add to Gordon's comments.  I bought my kit new in Nov '89 before their problems really hit the fan a couple years later (remember NO internet or social media to spread the word back then).  It took several months to get correct parts.  They shipped 5 front turn signals before I got a pair that matched (some had plastic some glass lenses, some amber others clear).  I did get all parts ordered - plus extra hood and trunk lid since quality was poor on original ones).  Folks criticize them for missing parts which weren't even part of the kit - you didn't get a bag of all the bolts needed, mirror/gauges/steering wheels/wheels were extra options.  Emblems were extra as was dash handle.  The not so high quality Vintage gauges were a $325 option! Stafast canvas was not even an option.  Seats came as fiberglass buckets with hunks of foam cut out and rough sewn covers.  Some of the parts were low bidder such as the chromed parts (about same as you see on new VS today though).  I actually got some $ back due to cracks in the factory black gel coat (bottom corner of door frames).   


If you got started in this hobby by seeing a finished Speedster, MG TD or Gazelle in a glass case at an airport you can thank CMC.  Their advertising and markets produced results. If the internet were available then, they might have sold 10 kits instead of like 50k (would love to know actual #).  Absolutely amazing that 25 years later you can still find brand new unstarted CMC kits.  Now that's marketing.  $8000 plus options and over priced shipping for just the kit (no chassis, trans and engine) was a lot of $ in '89 when gas was 99 cents a gallon.

My build makes a SAS delivery look like FEDEX OverNite.  Glad I didn't do the lay away plan.  Wife wants to know if I want to be cremated with the car (she wants garage space for her new MB C250).  I'll surprise the doubters among y'all when I show up at Carlisle in it.  In hind site - wish I had bought a used running IM or VS and tacked one small upgrade at a time. 


I want to join the Procrastinator's Club but their meetings are always tomorrow.

if I had the $$ I would love to have wolfys car, so i could make a mild ride and a mild ride and they both look the same. as far as the out sorcing of the parts....give me a break,does VS make any thing at all?? carrera??? the others??? I have plenty of bags of bolts, and most if not all of the oe paperwork&build/buy sheets for mine, and the coraspondence between cmc,the orignal owner and the "auto resolution group"

   so In a nut shell I would like to know of a car company thet dosent out sorce any parts. just bear in mind who make bodies for VS?&the many make thier own bodies? or are they just assemblers, you know"made in usa with forgin parts" parts content 8% usa,12%mexico, 74%% china,,4%tiwan, 2% canada.

 faces it if it wasent for cmc/fiberfaboulas/streetbeasteboys, you guys probably would have a $8~15000.00 car. basicly a vw bug with a glass body..AKA A dune buggy. and the guy that paid $35000.00 for his has just effed the rest of them that would like to have one, now everybody thinks thier plastic halfass recreation is the real isant and never will be,even with porsche parts on it.but it can be fun. and the comment about "bring down the value of our cars" is about the stupidest thing Ive heard on this site and stinks to high heaven witch must be below the clouds so it cant be smelt by the eleite few that have a REAL fake fiberglass porsche "kit car" no mater who assembled it. yes you can let the flaming start, I dont eyes and mind are wide open, I know what I have.just like my 27 ford roadster that dosent have a single ford part on it. and I have a fealing it is way more car than almost any 356 replica out there.and it's still not a ford, and not a kit car. Im done now.

It's obvious who the seller of this car is...I think it's safe to say the whereabouts of Ronald McDonald have finally been verified.  I just wonder how he operates the VW pedal cluster with those big red shoes.


Michael, I'll admit I was also sketched by the fact that there were no pics of the interior or this supposed professionally built engine the guy is so proud of.  But I found more pics of it on the Samba:


That interior is...well...I'll be nice and say it's not what I'm into.  

But at least you can see what you're getting into and know whether or not you want to put the time, effort and dollars into it. So for $22, to then need an interior and / or anything else I think you'd be way outside what this car's worth. We had an original budget of $18 and in the end after a ton of research and patience, spent $25 to get a car that was pretty much exactly what we wanted and then just added a few personal touches rather than take a chance with a lesser expensive one that required some major rehab.


But everyone is different and if you ask three people you'll probably get four different answers ... that's why the make chocolate and vanilla.

it sure would be nice if we could make everybody happy with our style,color choices, engines&trans.but why it's your car, do it the way you want it.and if they dont like it who the F cares, they didnt pay or do it. i like the yellow,(my bug is yelow).the red int?? thats ok too,miht not be my first choice if I had a choice.but it does look nice.color combo not match??hmm just have a look at todays fashions...and yeaster years too. I dont think I would mind it a bit & would trade all my race car stuff for it in a hurry,and come out on the short end of the $$$scale, but be driving a nice ride daily. chocolate,vanila,straberry....and now banana....melon

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