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Mitch's soliloque reminds me of a story I heard about the Space Shuttle program.


By the time we got to the Shuttle Era, the complexity of the flying shuttle had become far more than the small panels of switches and annunciators used in the Apollo program.  The Aerospace Designers and Engineers had automated a whole lot of the shuttle operation to simplify things for the Astronauts, but could make a big red light flash whenever their automated systems saw something out of spec, so that the mission people could look into things and see what needed attention (and isn't it ALWAYS an Ammonia leak??).  


This system worked very well - up until they invited the Italian astronauts on board.  


Starting with Franco Malerba, it was never enough to have one big "Hey!  Heads up!" light.  The engineers had to install a small panel with a bunch of lights and switches just to get the Italians into the simulators, let alone the real shuttle.  


To insure that the Italians felt that they were in control, the Engineers installed three BIG switches:  


One big, red-covered switch labeled "Decollare" for 'Take Off'


A smaller, Green switch labeled "Orbitante" for 'Orbit'


And a big yellow switch labeled "Attento!  Steam arrivando a!" for 'Watch Out!  We're-a comin in!"



Last edited by Gordon Nichols
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