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Good morning, Carl. Some football game, eh? EFI needs about 35 psi to run right while my Weber carb needs about 3 psi to keep things right. Somewhere in your EFI system there will be a modulator thingme to give the correct PSI needed for the exact moment. It might be less at certain times so the excess gets sent back to the fuel tank in a return tube. This will be my final contribution to anything FI related as I don't know anything more than what's above and I'm sure some expert will get onto it / correct it right away.

One last thought tonight, Carl. Any by the way...the word wagnerian didn't give up with much in the local onsite dictionary but I'll persue it. This idea might be a drag though. Some dude in St.Augustine, Fl., TDR I think he has just had Roland Rascon  build him up an engine for a new Speedster. Upon several requests to reveal his preferred components for the engine, he simply refused to give up any info. Simple reason ? There'd be an onslaught of q and a's , lot's of "no agreements found here" and a few bumped egos just for fun. And, a lot of distraction for you. If you chose to do your conversion at your own pace and offline, I'll be very happy to assist where I can.  

I couldn't edit the last post and my idea was, after my last sentence " .....a lot of distraction for you...",  if you take the time to make public every move you make, you may never get the job least in a space that you feel comfortable with yourself. They will argue with common things....what will they do with the "unusual" ? The rest applies. I applaud your thoughts going toward the Soob.

You know, I was thinking that same thing after I recommended Carl start a thread.  LOTS of "experts" on here ready to give you 'advice' which can quickly lead you along a wild goose chase (or you spend all your time answering their questions or arguing with them and don't get to work on the car).  


Far better to find those people who have actually done this conversion and get them on an email list and do things off-line from the forum and then, if you wish, get back on here or the FB pages and simply say "this is what I did".  I'll send along my son's email address for you as an EFI Guru, and he has some Suby Guru friends that would think this conversion pretty elementary.  Might be able to get some of them involved as consultants, too, along with people on the Samba and Shop Talk Forums.

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